Mini split

Did you buy the full kit or just that piece? It would be cheaper to do it yourself. I've installed a mini split system and it was easy enough. If you can run wire and add a breaker yourself you can do the rest.
Pour small concrete pad, run electrical, run the pre-made lines from the outdoor unit inside, mount the indoor unit. A lot of systems come pre-charged so you just need to vacuum the lines then open the valve to let the freon into the system.
Could I put solid ply wood over the window and mount the inside unit through that?
You could but it would be more work than just mounting it to the wall, You'll want the studs to hold the weight. You may also run into issue with your city if you board up a window. I did it before and was told it's a hazard for fire fighters if there was a fire.
Harbor freight has cheap vacuum pumps and hoses that will work to vacuum the system.
You could but it would be more work than just mounting it to the wall, You'll want the studs to hold the weight. You may also run into issue with your city if you board up a window. I did it before and was told it's a hazard for fire fighters if there was a fire.
Harbor freight has cheap vacuum pumps and hoses that will work to vacuum the system.
I thought it had to be installed into the wall. It only has to be mounted that’s a lot less work