Minimum CO2 for plant survival?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

As some of you may know, I am looking into a sealed room grow. Full environmental control, CO2 supplementation, etc.

I have heard that starving the plants of CO2 during the beginning of flowering will cause them to grow bigger buds, because they are producing more stomata in an effort to extract more CO2 from the air.

Is there any truth to this? And if so, how little CO2 can they survive on without affecting their growth, stunting them, messing them up in some way? What's the absolute minimum CO2 ppm you can safely run in your room?



Well-Known Member
stomata are the openings in leaves -

more stomata means more leaves.

you starve your plant, it probably will build more stomata to catch more CO2.

(if you want to increase humidity closer to fifty percent when the ac is on and dehumidifying as it will, just put a bucket of water in front of a fan.)

You're probably gonna need to go find research papers.

if you pay tuition to somewhere, get on ebsco host or whatever and search through agricola agriculture articles to find these type of answers.