Minimum Dimensions for DIY cab?


Active Member
Hey all. I guess this is my first post.

I'm going to give this hobby a shot, never tried it before. My living arrangement mandates a cabinet though. I really just want to have enough room to keep a plant vegging and a plant flowering so I can have a fairly steady harvest for personal use. If I only had two plants growing at once, it would probably be ideal.

I'm looking to build my own cabinet or construct one inside something stealth enough to have it sitting wherever. I looked at those computer tower grows, but I'm not sure I could make a veg and flowering compartment out of one box. I have one of those old duffel trunks that I thought might work if stood on end.

Other than that, I guess I am just looking for what the minimum space requirements would be for such an arrangement. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
theres no minimum or maximum. just work with whatever uve got.

ofc depends on ur equipment, if ur only gonna have 1 CFL then it wont be that big. ofc u have to think about space requirements for the size of pots and stuff. ull also need a fan in there etc etc.

i dont think i can really help u until uve decided where ur growing, what ur growing and how ur growing.

hope this helps.

oh and welcome to RIU :D