Minimum Flowering Time?


Well-Known Member
I have a 6 week old SSH.

I was wondering what the minimum time was to keep it in flowering, cuz I had plans for winter break.

It's been in veg for 6 weeks and has 2 more before flowering.



Well-Known Member
depends on the strain. i've seen some flower as quick as 45 days, but for the most part you'll want it to flower for 2 months on average, plus drying and curing time


Well-Known Member
is it sativa or indica? To the best of my knowledge Indicas have a shorter flowering time. Should say on your breeders/suppliers website.


Active Member
Even the strains that flower quickly will take 6-8 weeks. The best way to tell when it's done is by checking the trichomes.


Well-Known Member
yeah i'll have it flowering for exactly 8 weeks... i hope it's enough.

how much more does the plant grow through flowering?



Active Member
a plant typically doubles or triples in size during flowering, and ssh might take more like 8-11 weeks of flowering being its mostly sativa :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that information... i'm harvesting the plant on the 8th week.

Cuz im leaving the city like on the 20th of december.

How much would it matter if i harvested on the 8th week... cuz i don't really have much of an option other than that.


Well-Known Member
It affects yield, and the type of buzz. If you gotta go you gotta go :) The real question is how are you going to cure it in time?


Well-Known Member
lol.. put it in a jar and take it with me.. long drive.

let's see :p

It sucks that i had to kill a beautiful grow early... but if i go as planned.. ill have cloned it in week 2 flowering.. and the clone would have been atleast 7 weeks old in veg when i get back lol.. and clone again and flowerin again :p.. except ill just give it a good like 11 weeks this time lol.

just took a few pics... check out my journal.


Well-Known Member
I find that harvesting slightly earlier lends to a trippier smoke and later lends to a more mellow effect, I think this is cos the longer you leave it the more the thc degrades and becomes cbn/cbd which has more of a mellow effect.
Could be wrong tho.

Id start flowering now tho dude. If SSH is super silver haze then the more time flowering the better.

In my experience clones taken from a flowering plant root slightly faster but then take forever to start growing proper so Id advice you to clone sooner rather than later.

Anway SSH is a lovely smoke so whatever you decide enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... its been in veg for a full 5 weeks..

Ill attach a few more pics... im just wondering wether i should turn week 6 of veg into week 1 flowering.. or let it veg for one more week.. not too sure.

Ooh and when you said that harvesting earlier changes the high... were you speaking of personal experience??

Does it look ready to flower?



Well-Known Member
I would flower it now. You might lose a little bit of yield but the smoke would probably be worth it. SSH takes a little longer than the 8 weeks usually.


Well-Known Member
When you harvest does determine the high.

THC is the main ingredient that gets you high the more THC the more mind bending and "speedy" the high is,

When THC degrades it is converted to CBN which is what makes you sleepy.

In greatly simplified terms harvesting later allows more of the THC to deteriorate and produce CBN (As does dying and curing) thus affecting the high and Vice versa.

There is loads of research into Cannabis chemistry going on at the moment you should check it out.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I agree they are definately big enough and allowing them another week in veg will almost definately not leave you enough time to flower.