Minnesota Growers

God damn, that vote was tighter than an ugly nun. One defector is all they needed. They begged and pleaded for hours, sob story after sob story, pointing out how the left is so horrible. Yet the DFL (Democratic Farmers Labor) held the line. Fuck yes!! It passed at 1:30am. The GOP was desperate to not let it happen, but it passed. Walz will sigh it. Grats to all you people in Minnesota who have gained this liberty. While other states are busy taking away your rights, telling you that the women in your family are murderers for getting abortions, putting guns into the hands of dangerous people, here in Minnesota the left has finally gotten control of the Senate, the House, and the govenership. Immediately red flag laws are passed, and prohibition has ended. Party line votes, both of them.

Vote left. The only thing in the middle of the road is roadkill, and yellow stripes. Pick a party. Vote the ticket.

8 plant limit, 4 flowering
2 pounds at the house
2 ounces on your body
arrests automatically expunged
begins 1 July 2023, dispensaries open Jan 2024

My first attempts at growing weed were in the '70s. Congratulations to all the people of Minnesota. Your prohibition has ended. Those are some words I never thought I'd hear.
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God damn, that vote was tighter than an ugly nun. One defector is all they needed. They begged and pleaded for hours, sob story after sob story, pointing out how the left is so horrible. Yet the DFL (Democratic Farmers Labor) held the line. Fuck yes!! It passed at 1:30am. The GOP was desperate to not let it happen, but it passed. Walz will sigh it. Grats to all you people in Minnesota who have gained this liberty. While other states are busy taking away your rights, telling you that the women in your family are murderers for getting abortions, putting guns into the hands of dangerous people, here in Minnesota the left has finally gotten control of the Senate, the House, and the govenership. Immediately red flag laws are passed, and prohibition has ended. Party line votes, both of them.

Vote left. The only thing in the middle of the road is roadkill, and yellow stripes. Pick a party. Vote the ticket.

8 plant limit, 4 flowering
2 pounds at the house
2 ounces on your body
arrests automatically expunged
begins 1 July 2023, dispensaries open Jan 2024

My first attempts at growing weed were in the '70s. Congratulations to all the people of Minnesota. Your prohibition has ended. Those are some words I never thought I'd hear.
Speak it, son.
A quick resignation like that screams guilty. I Wonder what other skeletons are in that closet.
Without that position the whole regulatory framework is frozen and no new businesses can start gearing up for legal sales until that's in place. First quarter of 2025 is the target date. Hard to invest in a mirage.
Without that position the whole regulatory framework is frozen and no new businesses can start gearing up for legal sales until that's in place. First quarter of 2025 is the target date. Hard to invest in a mirage.
Oh for sure. I was just wondering what else she may be hiding that she didn't want to be dug up. It sucks that this will inevitably delay the process way longer than it probably should.
I just wonder how she rose to the top of the selection process and why choose a business person rather than someone who can also advance the reparative social justice part of the new law which is supposed to direct assistance to communities disproportionately affected under criminalization. Could they find no suitable candidates from that portion of the state? Will social justice take a back seat to corporate greed?
All the way to the back of the bus sad but true :peace: :peace: :peace: