Minor pests and leaf burn on an otherwise thriving outdoor plant

Could have started this plant almost 2 months earlier but either way it's coming along nicely:)

It's only been given a little worm casting, a little guano with high Phosphorus, and some molasses. I'd say it's been quite productive with the little that I've given it.

I can't tell if it's flowering but I think I should maybe throw in some more high phosphorus guano next time I water it. Any objections?

I've noticed some of the leaves form a taco shape (not severe) but still makes me think it's from water stress maybe? I dug a hole and prepared the soil real nice but the rest of my backyard soil is booty and doesn't drain well at all. I'm very cautious when watering because of this and so far no major problems if any at all.

Also looks like I have a mite problem and I recently started spraying neem oil every 3 days about a week and a half ago. I was spraying before just not that often..:P

Could you please look at the pics I posted and tell me what you think i should do?

I appreciate it!!



Well-Known Member
You need a good miticide to use a cpl days in a row. Also spray the lime tree and every other plant in your yard. And spray your yard.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Don't start pumping the P till later into flower....Small amounts at week 4 and spike at week 6.
You need a good miticide to use a cpl days in a row. Also spray the lime tree and every other plant in your yard. And spray your yard.
Thanks for the replies everyone however for some reason i was not alerted about your messages:/ But thanks i will pick up another mite product ASAP because I know it's gonna flower soon. And I'll take that advice and avoid feeding it phosphorus until I know forsure it's flowering. Thanks again guys really appreciate it!