Miracle-Gro for Miracle Growth


Well-Known Member
Back in late 90's evil doer Monsanto bought out the last of Scotts Miracle- Gro, and if you don't know about Monsanto, and grow weed, then make it your business, as this is one of the strangest companies ever..it not the most evilest, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto ..

Sooner or later you as a weed grower will be tempted to buy or use a product from Scotts I urge caution, any company making over $2.0 billion in sales and clearing only $200,000 in profit sounds extremely fucking strange, from the outset, it has been suggested to me, that Scotts is but a tax loss for the high and mighty Monsanto, and at those figures, there no question, about it.

I ran across Monsanto, back in the day, of the evil doer, selling feminized rice seed to poor as fuck Asians,
like $5.00 per month poor, thats fucking poor, they are expected to return each year and buy their rice seed of Monsanto, as their rice won't ever go to seed and be re-used, that is one of the meanest fucking things I ever heard of, like the old soviet propaganda, you gotta be there to believe it, sure its happening with us too, when we buy feminized canna seed, but I have a choice so do you, and we ain't as poor.

Scotts is the retail arm of Monsanto and sell there "Round UP" thru them, so thats the level of the playing field we are at...not only avoid this SCOTTS, but there claimed cool products as well

With thanks to Obama, we won the war, unfortunately the very filth we have been fighting, have fired the lawyers and hired our very own grow guys, in time the filth that run these companies, will have to listen to the very same guys they hired, so change is due at the top, but until them avoid these companies like the plaque, and there shit products, you may well have a good time with these products, below? ...thats not the point, the point is you are inadvertently supporting a billion dollar company that don't give a shit about you or your weed, and is already ripping out those genes for other strange shit .....wait and see!

Scotts Brands in the United States
Scotts Lawn Service
*Black Magic*
Whitney Farms
Ortho Elementals
*General Hydroponics*

Outside the US
Scotts Ecosense

time line recent
1998 - Monsanto: Scotts entered into a collaboration with the Monsanto Company to bring the benefits of biotechnology to the multi-billion dollar turfgrass and ornamental plants business. Under the agreement, Scotts and Monsanto agree to share technologies, including Monsanto's extensive genetic library of plant traits and Scotts' proprietary gene gun technology to produce improved transgenic turfgrasses and ornamental plants.
1998 - ASEF: Scotts completed an acquisition with ASEF — a privately held Benelux-based lawn and garden products company. ASEF is a leading consumer lawn and garden products company—with operations in the Netherlands and Belgium — selling fertilizers, growing media, and pesticides.
1999 - Ortho/Roundup: Entering into the pesticide industry, Scotts completed agreements with Monsanto Company for exclusive U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, and Australia agency and marketing rights to Monsanto's consumer Roundup herbicide products and for the purchase of the Ortho and related lawn and garden businesses.
2000 - Substral: Scotts acquired Substral, the leading consumer fertilizer brand in many European countries, including Germany, Austria, Belgium, France and Nordics.
2000 - Smith & Hawkin: Scotts purchases Smith & Hawken, a leading brand of garden-inspired products that includes pottery, watering equipment, gardening tools, outdoor furniture and live goods.
2005 - For the Birds: Entry into the U.S. wild bird food market through the acquisition of the Morning Song brand.
2014 - ScottsMiracle-Gro sells wild bird food line to Global Harvest Foods Ltd.
2015 - Scotts Miracle-Gro buys General Hydroponics to move into the marijuana market.

links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scotts_Miracle-Gro_Company
that is one of the meanest fucking things I ever heard of, like the old soviet propaganda, you gotta be there to believe it, sure its happening with us too, when we buy feminized canna seed, but I have a choice so do you, and we ain't as poor.
there is a difference ...when you buy feminized seeds....you can clone the strain and never have to purchase seeds again

Great Find Hyroot...!
Monsanto Enters Hydroponics & Marijuana Growing Industries Thanks to Maximum Yield Magazine By Steve Davis

I joined other marijuana growers at the Maximum Yield Indoor Gardening Expo in Boston in 2014, and immediately noticed crazy things happening!

The expo was held in Boston for the first time ever because Maximum Yield likes to hold its hydroponics expos where marijuana growing is legal. Massachusetts has a new marijuana law that allegedly legalizes cannabis growing.

Unfortunately, the law is a mess, so some marijuana growers are still getting busted.

One crazy thing is that Maximum Yield and its allies make big bucks from marijuana growers while working hard to make sure marijuana isn’t mentioned at Maximum Yield events.

The Maximum Yield expo logo shows tomatoes!

If you’re a hydroponics businessperson who openly affiliates with marijuana growers, Maximum Yield bans you from being an exhibitor at its events.

But the kind herb makes its way into the Maximum Yield expos anyway. I blazed with expo staff, visitors, and exhibitors… inhaling buds, shatter, butane honey oil, and other marijuana products outside the convention center and even in the bathrooms.

Yet, when you talk to Maximum Yield’s owners, they vehemently deny the obvious fact that marijuana growers are by far the major customers for the hydroponics industry.

They seem ashamed of marijuana growers, but they’re happy to take our money, that’s the way it looks to most people.

Maximum Yield’s wink-wink, hush-hush policy regarding marijuana wasn’t the most troubling thing about the Boston Maximum Yield indoor gardening expo.

What was really scary is that Maximum Yield welcomed Monsanto as a major sponsor and exhibitor!
