Miracle grow pots transplant into fox farms mix?


Well-Known Member
Hi. I germinated my seeds and then planted them in the only soil i had. It is miracle grow. 2 of the plants are not doing to hot while the others seem to be doing ok.
I've been looking around the world wide web and a lot of people say MC is bad and i should be using some sort of mix with fox farms and some other things.
My question is can I transplant my plants which are in 1 gallon pots with MC into finishing pots with a Fox Farms soil mix? Do i have to knock all the MC soil off my roots before i transplant?
My plants are about 6 weeks old. Grown indoors with sunlight under a skylight.

Please help.



Well-Known Member
U gotta be careful of pre nuted soil. Sometimes its fine for hungry plants like tomatoes but in ur case u want more control over when plants get fertilized. U can keep the mg soil. Mb just dilute it with peat moss and some composted manure from ur local nursery


Well-Known Member
Should be fine. Don't knock soil off your roots; just be gentle. Don't add nutes for 30-40 days after you transplant as there are plenty in your soil and your plants have - most likely - been over-nuted.


Well-Known Member
Thanks.! Well i transplanted all but the most healthy one(gonna leave it in the MG and see what happens). The others seem to be doing fine. When transplanting I got rid of as much of the MG soil before seeing any of the roots. They all seem good and even one of the shitty plants looks like its turning over a new leaf.
Thanks for the help. This is my first time growing in 15+ years! The World Wide Web is a awesome place.

One of my plants I mixed Fox Farms Ocean Forest, 707 and perlite. 1:1:1 ratio Should i start adding nutes sooner in this pot vs the one i did 3:1 fox farms to perlite?
Im going to be putting them out pretty soon.
