miracle grow products?


Well-Known Member
i have miracle grow potting soil and perlite, can i use that brand knowing that it has some all purpose miracle grow pre added to it?

if i can use this what precautions should i take when useing fox farm big bloom aswell?

NOTE: i am NOT using miracle grow nutes. im using fox farm.


Well-Known Member
miracle grow has time released nutes for up to 3 months. I think you should be fine with giving it the normal dose of nutes when it comes down to flowering time.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
check the ph leavel in the runout right of the start. just watch you leaf color,they will tell you what she is needing. personalyif thats all the soil you can get be4 useing it i would flush the shit out of it let it dry out then use it. good luck


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
what is your plant telling you. if things look good then try feeding them a little at a time, just watch yourleaves. keep them green and your growing. goodluck.