Miracle Grow Quick Start 4-12-4 - yes, it is a good fertilizer for flowering.
In my experience, alsways use only half recommend dose when usung anything by Miracle Grow. Also, MG has a reputation for causing acidity in soils, so be sure to be careful about this.
I start with a gallon of distilled H2O and add 1/3 capfull of MG QS, half ounce kelp extract, and one tablespoon corn syrup - one week into flowering now. So far flowering is going good. after I use up the MG QS, I am going to buy some Peters Bloom.
KELP EXTRACT!!! KELP EXTRACT!!! IT IS GREAT. I used to have nute problems - then I started using kelp extract and whatever fert was lying around. I used to have funny looking leaves on my plants. since i started using kelp, everything looks really nice.