miracle grow slow release

i bought slow release miracle gro. i know this is bad for growing. should i use soil from my back garden for my seedlings (during germination at the moment).

i know i need to get a oiless mix and vermiculite. but would soil from my backgarden where flowers have been growing do?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
are you using bag seed ? if so try the slow release just remember the water is what releases the nutes, if you over water not only are you damaging the roots your over fertilizing double whammy


Well-Known Member
Dud i wouldn't touch those nutes with a 10 ft pole. I would get better results using straight water


Active Member
Yeah mg sucks...all u need are peat pellets,also called jiff pellets which are found at any garden store...no nutes needed until the are like 8 inches