Miracle Grow Soil Take 2


Active Member
This seems worth sharing. I've had two soil grows from seed so far: the first in Miracle Grow and the second in Sunshine Mix #960. The second grow was just transplanted from 4 inch pots (where the seeds started) to 2 gallon pots. This after 11 days after sprouting.

The roots on the Sunshine grow are WAY more substantial than the roots on the MG grow at transplant time. The first grow was transplanted at Day 26 and the roots were somewhat fine and barely to the bottom of the pot. With this grow the roots were out the bottom of the same pots on Day 10.

My guess is that the roots didn't have to work so hard in MG soil. But overall, the Sunshine grow looks way healthier and is establishing way quicker than grow #1.

It's a FWIW. I used Miracle Grow because it was easy to get at the Home D and I've had great luck with it on ornamentals. The Sunshine Mix was bought from a Nursery: it's what they use to start plants in their greenhouses. Harder to get but in my opinion, way worth it.


Well-Known Member
I love you people who sit and complain about MG; while the problem is the grower, not the medium that you're using. Stop passing blame on that you control. MG does not suck, you just need to learn how to use it.

I'm pretty sure if you set up a hydro system and plug it in, it's not going to work as well if you knew how to use it properly. Get educated about it or don't use it, just stop complaining about it - it's getting kinda old now.


Well-Known Member
I've seen MG grow some super insane chroniced the fuck out nugs and I was using on my grow successfully in veg for a few months. The above poster is right about MG. It's a strong fert with some stuff that can build-up if left for to long without a flush but if used properly it can do the job.


Active Member
I love you people who sit and complain about MG; while the problem is the grower, not the medium that you're using. Stop passing blame on that you control. MG does not suck, you just need to learn how to use it.

I'm pretty sure if you set up a hydro system and plug it in, it's not going to work as well if you knew how to use it properly. Get educated about it or don't use it, just stop complaining about it - it's getting kinda old now.
wow bud it wasnt that big of a deal. why come into this thread if your a mg sales man and bitch about people not liking mg. go burn some other thread.... btw my plants are in scotts with 1/4 organic mg in it. my grow is set but mg still sux and if that hurts your little feelings im sorry... burn on:finger:



Well-Known Member
wow bud it wasnt that big of a deal. why come into this thread if your a mg sales man and bitch about people not liking mg. go burn some other thread.... btw my plants are in scotts with 1/4 organic mg in it. my grow is set but mg still sux and if that hurts your little feelings im sorry... burn on:finger:

lol you're a sensitive, but funny.:-P

Those plants look nice; what strain are they?