Miracle Grow ?????

i cant figure out how to do this. it says for an indoor plant use 1/2 teaspoon for 1 gallon of water and then water it with that every two weeks. i've read other posts saying they use miracle grow and water/feed their plants every day or so. can anyone help me figure this out?!



Well-Known Member
first off get rid of the mg, it sucks. if you can get just about anything else i would do it and marijuana has a higher growth rate than most plants. if you really have to use it i would prolly feed every other watering


Well-Known Member
ya mg also uses the cheapest ingredients possible, remember this will be going into your lungs
the plants are only 4 weeks old. i've heard mg is great and i've heard it sucks. i dont know who to listen to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and also this is NOT mg SOIL. its just nutes. if that makes any difference..

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
My advice is to get a moisture meter. Only water when the meter shows it needs it. I water inbetween yellow and red or 3-4 on the meter scale. If you water everyday you are for sure going to kill your plant no matter how crappy your nutrients are. lol. Mg will work but there are lots of better nutes out there. Do a search on nutrients that people use on here. For a newbie I would suggest general hydroponics. I use envy and bloombastic myself.
i water once in the morning, then when i get home the water seems to evaporate relatively quick cause thesoil is dry and the plants are drooping. so i water again and they bounce right back up
i water in the morning, then when i get home the dirt is dry and the leaves look drooping. so i rewater and the pop right back up. it doesnt seem to have a ratio, it just says mix .5 teaspoon with 1 gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
If you use it, remember that the "1/2 tbs per gallon" is two weeks worth of nutes, and can burn your plant. Mix at 1/2 to 1/4 strength, and work your way up from there.


Well-Known Member
I think the stuff you have might be 24-8-16. I have a box of that shit that I dont use and it looks the same as yours. It is written on the side of the box where it has the ingrdients info.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
ok then I use that stuff No problem there---I usually look at rep or amount of posts before I start taking advice no matter how convincing the reply may come across. That Mg for watering with a can is great stuff it has everything you need to stimulate nice vegging. Not so good for flowering. Not enough Phosphates.
The mix should be 2/3 cap to four gallons----if you are reducing it looks about 2tbs per gal or 1tbs to 1/2 gal
I feed every other water but I water like a big dog (2 gallons min to a 5 gall pot) at least 20% runoff at the tail end of the runoff catch it in a cup and check your Ph from that and you will be banging a 1/4 lb a plant DO NOT USE MG SOIL!!!! The flush is the problem for me----I like to flush good and MG does not work well with that program

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
i water once in the morning, then when i get home the water seems to evaporate relatively quick cause thesoil is dry and the plants are drooping. so i water again and they bounce right back up
you are not watering correct--- or you have outgrown your pots---unless you are using coco (which i doubt MG boy) you should water better and not need to water for a few days