Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill HB 277!!!


Active Member
Missouri has introduced it's medical marijuana bill for the third year now. The last two years the bill was assigned to the House Crime Prevention and Public Safety Committee, ensuring it would die in committee without a hearing. I didn't even know Missouri had a bill until about a month ago when it has been out for over two years!! I have written Todd Akin, Claire McCaskill and Kit Bond, all giving about the same responses. They DO NOT support this bill or medical marijuana, and that's what makes it even more important for each and every one of you reading this to write the Missouri reps. These politicians need to know that the people support them. get your voices heard and help end this nonsense we call marijuana prohibition. Follow the link and start writing!!!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
you've got to com around election time and vote for the assholes that will get it done for us and write the current ones and get this ball on the roll


Well-Known Member
not many people running for office in Missouri wants it legalized... only 10 out of 163 representatives are backing this bill up

you've got to com around election time and vote for the assholes that will get it done for us and write the current ones and get this ball on the roll