mites gone?


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing, so I'm not sure about my problem. heres the situation. I saw white around the soil that looked like webs and had yellow spots all over the current growth so I assumed I had mites. I got some mighty wash and sprayed under and on top of all the leafs and soil every other day for a week and a half now. I thought everything was gone because all the new foliage was spotless and all the spots on the lower leafs had faded away. there is good growth, and the plants look healthy. heres where I'm confused. I see no new spots and have never seen a mite, even when using a microscope. but i still see webs. I'm wondering if the bugs might be dead but the webs are just remaining because they haven't been wrecked? I have also put some bug stick papers around the soil for a few days now and I still don't see anything.