Mixed Results


New Member
Hi guys so next grow season in australia im planning to start my plants indoor then eventually move them outdoor just so they can get that extra boosted growth my main concern is the lightning schedule i was planning to do 13 to 14 hours on and 11 to 10 hours off to eventually minic the outside but everyone’s telling me they’ll go into flower which makes no sense because around spring time we only get 11 to 13 hours of daylight and plants seem to do just fine when vegging the highest recorded day is in december reaching 14 hours and 50 minutes then after that the days gradually get less and less as they start to covert into flower
I’d go 14 on 10 off, you’ll get more vigorous growth, plus when you move them outside they’ll be more in sync with the natural daylight hours.
Hi guys so next grow season in australia im planning to start my plants indoor then eventually move them outdoor just so they can get that extra boosted growth my main concern is the lightning schedule i was planning to do 13 to 14 hours on and 11 to 10 hours off but everyone’s telling me they’ll go into flower which makes no sense because around spring time we only get 11 to 13 hours of daylight and plants seem to do just fine when vegging the highest recorded day is in december reaching 14 hours and 50 minutes then after that the days gradually get less and less as they start to covert into flower
I’d go 14 on 10 off, you’ll get more vigorous growth, plus when you move them outside they’ll be more in sync with the natural daylight hours.
Thanks for the reply have you personally done that yourself or know someone that has I’m just getting a lot of mixed results and it’s stressful it’ll be my first time going from indoor to outdoor
You’re overthinking it! They’re tough, they’re weeds! I’m quite sure either way would work, but more light equals more growth. Under artificial light they won’t flower at 14 hours. I’ve never had to move them from artificial to natural light, but I have planted clones outdoors too early and had them go into flower at 6 inches!