New Member
so i need a ph meter very very soon. i heard from a master grower that hanna and milwaukee suck and you get what you pay for. but those were 40-50 bucks.i found this cheap hanna meter for 26.should we buy this or is it a must to buy an expensive better brand? i used a hanna before and it worked great for the months i had it, but then the idiot neighbor and i dropped it into the water and ruined it. was only 60 too.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&biw=888&bih=640&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16206280931021298183&sa=X&ei=Am96TtP3L8XliALMu-GnDw&ved=0CKcBEPMCMAU
if that one sucks then here is the link to meters between 40-80
please pick one that you think is the best out of that price range.,ppr_min:40,ppr_max:80&sa=X&ei=Am96TtP3L8XliALMu-GnDw&ved=0CMUBEMEJKAE&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=69462e20d655e4e7&biw=888&bih=640&ion=1
should we buy the cheap one so we can use it asap until we can afford to buy the bluelab truncheon meter that is $140? is the hanna one a waste of money or will it work reliably for a lil bit?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&biw=888&bih=640&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16206280931021298183&sa=X&ei=Am96TtP3L8XliALMu-GnDw&ved=0CKcBEPMCMAU
if that one sucks then here is the link to meters between 40-80
please pick one that you think is the best out of that price range.,ppr_min:40,ppr_max:80&sa=X&ei=Am96TtP3L8XliALMu-GnDw&ved=0CMUBEMEJKAE&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=69462e20d655e4e7&biw=888&bih=640&ion=1
should we buy the cheap one so we can use it asap until we can afford to buy the bluelab truncheon meter that is $140? is the hanna one a waste of money or will it work reliably for a lil bit?