Mixing Coco and Pro-Mix HP


So I"m on my second cycle in my closet grow and a friend gave me a 3 week old clone in coco.

The last run went super well with results that far exceeded my expectations. I grew them from feminized seed (OG Kush from Seedsman), in 7 gallon pots filled with only Pro-Mix HP.

Can I transplant a 2 gallon pot with Coco into a 7 gallon with Pro-Mix HP? Will this cause any issues? I've never used coco before and it seems like an extra hassle and risk over the very proven Pro-Mix HP

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I put coco solo cups in Fox Farm all the time. It will adjust and act like soil . Make sure you have plenty of soil on all sides, top and bottom. 2gal to 7gal should be fine. I was doing 1 gal to 3 gal and found that the soil would run out of nutes quickly in mid flower.


Well-Known Member
I’ve always added well rinsed coco to my amended soils... never had a problem.. but now that I think about it from an above post.. coming from 1 gallon to 3 gallon I’ve always seemed to run out of nutes around 6 weeks.. I believe if I go to 5 gallon layered pots this should solve all problems.. and I can water less often!!