Mixing peat moss based medium. Need some help please.


New Member
Hi! I'm new to mixing soil but would like to learn. Some days ago I bought 6 bags á 13 gallons of two different kinds of peat moss for cheap (15$). I got 4 bags of "natural" peat moss and 2 bags of fertilized peat moss. I also picked up a bag of perlite and went home to experiment with some clones i have doublets of. I'm fine with trial and error and all but it would be fun with a discussion that might give me some ideas on what to put in it more then the 3 ingredients so far.
I mixed up about half a gallon with about 2 parts natural peat, 1 part fertilized peat and 1 part perlite. I'm sorry if i get this with parts wrong, in my country we stick to % in those cases, but that would be 50%, 25%, 25% :)

The values (on the bags) is measured in milligram per liter.
Natural peat moss:
N = 750 mg/l
P = 6
K = 71

Ca = <20
Mg = 83
Na = 20
S = 71

Fertilized peat moss
N = 1800
P = 33
K = 290

Ca = 350
Mg = 130
Na = 16
S = 160

Is there something missing? Is the peat good enough? I've use Gold labels special mix for some grows but It's very expensive and i would like to learn how to make my own.
I use Canna nutrients but have been looking at BioBizz for my next grow.