
Cheers to you my friend, must feel great not having to worry any more. btw welcome to riu.
Thanks you guys, I all ready have a DG. I can't believe the amount they perscribed for me.I just found this site tonite and I love it!
From first hearing about the MMAR it took about 8 weeks from start to holding my papers in my hand. I had my first[of six] back operations in 1990.Last one was in '03.
I meant how long did it take you to find/convince a doctor to get your paperwork signed

In MB its very hard to find a GP to even talk about medicinal weed. I looked for 9 years,then by luck I heard about the MMAR and that they opened an office in Brandon. I already had all my medical history records with me,so from my first e-mail to the MMAR to my DR appointment was 3 weeks[He was on holidays].Later
damn!! 9years doesn't sound so good. Good thing you found the one you did......and they got it done quickly for you. I know quite a few people around me that keep getting dr refusals
Yeah I guess 9 years is a long time, but my outlook has always been "Shit happens but there is always someone else who has it worse off than me" Just tell them to never give up trying.
Yeah I guess 9 years is a long time, but my outlook has always been "Shit happens but there is always someone else who has it worse off than me" Just tell them to never give up trying.

DAMN!!!.........that's a positive attitude, .....almost makes me sick, hahahaha
The thing I find is very odd about this whole MMJ thing, is that no doctor I have ever encountered since obtaining my signature, has ever looked down on me, or even divulged into too many questions about it. This tells me 2 things about Canadian Doctors. 1: They don't know enough about it to put on the frownie face and 2: They don't want to know more about it.
The thing I find is very odd about this whole MMJ thing, is that no doctor I have ever encountered since obtaining my signature, has ever looked down on me, or even divulged into too many questions about it. This tells me 2 things about Canadian Doctors. 1: They don't know enough about it to put on the frownie face and 2: They don't want to know more about it.

I agree. I had to use a different Dr. to get my MMAR. My family doctor hasn't even mentioned it.
Same here, my GP said cannabis use will give me "man boobs" --seriously, I too go through another doc in BC, its especially bad here in AB, I was told the AB colloege of physicians and surgeons are openly encouraged NOT to sign here, although there have been several exceptions, btw, at the rate I'm going I should have had at least some decent DD cups by now:-o
You guys are all right about the GP's. I think unless "big pharma" can make some money of it they won't sign on. By the way, "dirtbag1" I think your GP is a "manboob"