MMJ Edibles

Ok, so I have searched and searched and searched and I feel like im just :wall: evidently I am as computer illiterate as you can become in the 21st century! my family owns one of the top 10 bakeries in the country, and I have the recipe for some of my favorite things that we make there. from chocolate chip, oatmeal rasin, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and these little nutmeg scented muffins dipped in butter and rolled in cinnamon sugar. Needless to say, i want to add MMJ to them by way of cannabutter, cannaoil, and cannaflour. This part is going to be a breeze for me. But my issues are the steps needed to take for me to be able to sell these to dispensaries or to patients as their caregiver...Please for the love of god, help me! hahaha. anyone have any knowledge or can point me in the right direction of who I need to talk to in this regard?

thanks in advance for all your help

Bump for some help?! come on someone has to know something. any of you Colorado guys got any info, i know of at least 2 edibles companies from there!



Active Member
Welcome to the grey area of MMJ... I have a friend with a MMJ card in colorado and he was able to just walk into clubs and show or sell his product to them if they liked it... so if what you have is good, just go give some samples to different clubs or try and sell to them... if it is good, they will probably want more... cheers!


Well-Known Member
thats how I do it here in Colorado. I even get the dispensaries to give me there good sticky trim and make edibles for them. They get a discount and I don't run out of trim. It's a living and I get to do quality control.


Well-Known Member
Hi Basq:

I'm from Colorado and would like to start baking a few edibles. Any chance you would part with a few recipes? Something basic but yummy.


Active Member
Hi Basq:

I'm from Colorado and would like to start baking a few edibles. Any chance you would part with a few recipes? Something basic but yummy.
I make medicated Rice Crispy Treats but I use actual bud. Very potent! I cook the Cannabutter using MzJill's method (from TGA Seeds) and then make my Rice Crispy Treats the next day. They are really easy to make, fast, potent and delicious!!

You need: Cannabutter, Marshmallows and Rice Crispys
*You can always add some chocolate or something nice on top on the RC treat to help distract from the potent herb taste*

After you make your Cannabutter and let it sit and separate the RC treats seriously only take 5 minutes to make... You don't make them any different than if you were using regular butter. :-)

New Member
3 oz. ground roast sesame seeds
3 tablespoons ground almonds
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 oz. grass [marijuana]
4 tbs of salted butter

What to do:
Crush grass into small pieces (a blender and water works well for this). Saute the grass in 4 tbs of butter until slightly brown and then strain the butter into a separate bowl.
Mix all other ingredients (except seeds) in the bowl and stir until an even constancy is reached
Roll mixture into little balls and dip them into the sesame seeds and place on a greased baking sheet on 325 F for around 20 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy!


Active Member
Totally trying that recipe! ^^^^

Tonight I am actually making Medicated Cheescake!! We will see how it turns out before I post the recipe.... Here is a pic of my Cannabutter though!

Purple Mr Nice Cannabutter - made with actual herb!! POTENT :-)


Well-Known Member
That butter looks really good. How did your cheesecake come out ? Sounds like an awsome idea.