MMMMmmmm Droopy Leafs...


I have had an on going problem with my quick silver girl. She has been flowering now for 2 weeks and for the past maybe month... the bottom leaves have slowly drooped and died. this is slowly traveling up the plant starting at the bottom. At first i thought i had over watered her... so i let her dry out and gave less water but now i'm not so sure.
I am using fox farm tiger bloom as food.. the recommmended amount. I noticed today that she had a couple brown spots on one side of the plant on the lower leafs only.
I'm wondering if i should transfer her to a different pot or new soil.. the stuff she is currently in is composed of a lot of peat moss and i'm not sure if that is the best for her. I had 2 other plants the turned out to be male that did not have this problem but werent in the same kind of soil. I ph my water to 6.5 and temps stay at 78 degrees 69 at night... mmmm she is under 6 100 watt cfls... what else???? can't think... ask questions if you have any and i will answer. I also have a clone from her that is all droopy they are 3 weeks old should i be giving them food??? this clone dried out and looked dead then i watered it and it came back but all droopy.. Thanks for comments and sujestions!