modest mouse concert - ft lauderdale 3/8/09


Active Member
Just thought I'd share this with everyone and hey who knows, maybe meet up with some people hwo went to the show on here..

The concert was at a really cool venue - Revolution in Ft. Lauderdale. After waiting an hour outside, we met up wirth some pretty nice kids who we spent the rest of the night with.he said he was pretty stoned and we talked about previous concerts etc, (his name was robert)so then we get in the placee, i go to the bathroom to roll some more joints. we get even more situated adn the first band comes out. Japanese Lotus or soething like that. we sparked up the first j when theycame out. thy were really good but the j kept runnin/goin out.

after the first band was done, some kids behind me were sain how they dont smell the pot yet, and started screamin and shit where's the weed.

so i flasehd him the joint and hes like all right!but i told him our previous problems so he double wrapped it and evenrolled like two moree for us. then the mimickingbirds come out, and theyr'e real chill. but it seemed lke forever when they played. we lit j number 2 during their set. then modest mouse comes and waiting for them we meet up with som pretty cool chicks who kept giving us drinks and we kept passing the j towards them and just dancing. all great fun.

modest mouse was totally amazing and blew my fucking mind. isaac was great that night too. at one point in between songs he said something about weed and pointed in our general area the whole crowd laughed cause everyone definately got a whiff. great night, never forget it.


Well-Known Member
I saw them at the lyric in oxford a few weekends ago. Got some raw molly and rolled my face off to thier music. It was the best thing ever.....musical geniuses.