Mogggyyyss, Melo, Kraken, Shaggy, Heath, Growright, Fet -- HG420 GURUS where are you?


Well-Known Member
Man I really miss the crowd over at HG420. The level of experience and sound advice was unsurpassed.

If any of you are out there please show yourself and let us know where you are hanging these days. Couldn't name you all but you know who you are.

No offense to Roll-it-up at all, it's my new home, but I'd love to see more of the older, very experienced crowd move in. ICMag is too damn big!
If you wanna know where they are, drop me a pm and I'll send you a link; I don't wanna flood that site with lamers and noobs.
aw man... those were the days. FET was the original mentor of mine. truly great breeder and even better guy.

sure do miss his genetics.