moisture between leaves??


New Member


So i'm new to growing, doing my first grow just now and everything up till now has been going great. Aurora indica grown from seed. 5 plants in a 6X6X3 feet space. one 400watt hps and two 100watt cfls for lighting. Extractor in place. currently week 3 of flowering (about day 25). Two 12v computer fans for air circulation. soiless grow (ALL mix - skag-moss / peat-moss / pearlite). Healthy plants with no burns or deficiencies (so far as I can tell)

The problem:

When two leaves are touching (one laying on top of another one) and I move the leaves apart I am noticing a visible moisture residue on the lower leaf (the one that will have another leaf resting on it). I'm not concerned about the leafs but now that budding has started I am concerned that should this happen on top of a bud, and if it goes unnoticed, it will promote mould and fungi growth. No one wants mould.

I was just wondering if I am right to be concerned, if anyone has had this problem before and if so, what did you do to fix it?

My gut is telling me that more air circulation would help (two 12v computers fans was fine in veg, but now I just don't think it is enough). I also fear it could be to do with the temperature difference between the area directly under the light and in the rest of the room (the room ambient temp is 65-70 most of the time and under the light it can be 75-85) - If this is the case then my options are very limited =/.(I live in Scotland with no central heating and would really rather not buy and pay to run an electric heater all day.)

Any advise is appreciated - unfortunately I cannot supply any pictures but the residue is very much like condensation that forms on windows - except on the leaf (and only on the parts where there is overlap between leafs). If you need any more info let me know and I will do my best to supply.


Well-Known Member
Your gut might be right in this case...lack of circulation can cause all sorts of issues in addition to bugs. Computer fans are great for small spaces such as computers...truth is they DO NOT move enough air volume. What is the relative humidity in your grow? A cheap analogue hygrometer could help you keep things in check around 50 when flowering. Also, do you have adequate intake(fresh air)? Your temps seem fine so its just a matter of eliminating until you find the culprit.


New Member
Thanks Guys!

I will get a bigger fan asap - At the very least the gusts will help separate the leafs. I have done a fair amount of defoliation in a bid to stop this but I have been sticking to the worst offending fan leafs and undergrowth. I don't really want to strip them any more than I have as it will just cause other problems!

I don't know the humidity if I'm honest! I Have no way of checking until I get paid but I will be buying a meter then.


New Member

As far air intake is concerned, yea I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough through - easily the volume of the room every 5 mins anyway but probably closer to double that.


Well-Known Member


So i'm new to growing, doing my first grow just now and everything up till now has been going great. Aurora indica grown from seed. 5 plants in a 6X6X3 feet space. one 400watt hps and two 100watt cfls for lighting. Extractor in place. currently week 3 of flowering (about day 25). Two 12v computer fans for air circulation. soiless grow (ALL mix - skag-moss / peat-moss / pearlite). Healthy plants with no burns or deficiencies (so far as I can tell)

The problem:

When two leaves are touching (one laying on top of another one) and I move the leaves apart I am noticing a visible moisture residue on the lower leaf (the one that will have another leaf resting on it). I'm not concerned about the leafs but now that budding has started I am concerned that should this happen on top of a bud, and if it goes unnoticed, it will promote mould and fungi growth. No one wants mould.
What your seeing is plant Transpiration. Your plant Transpires water through the leaf into the air. You put a leaf on top of a leaf, and the water can't evaporate into the air. You get moisture on the leaf.
IMO- it's nothing to get all worked up about. But you should have a little more air movement in the tent 24/0 fan cycle.
You should do all your trimming in Veg. at least 2 weeks before you go to flower.

Good Luck on your Grow.