Moisture problems during drying

Hello everyone, I have a problem concerning the drying of my plants. I trimmed all the plants on Sunday, removed the largest leaves and hung the whole plant but I have a problem keeping everything under control regarding humidity and temperature. Basically I have put everything inside the growbox with the extractor that turns on and off every 15 minutes and inside I have a portable air conditioner to keep the temperatures down but basically every 7 minutes the humidity fluctuates to 68/70 for about two minutes and then drops to 51/52 and stays there again for 7 minutes with a temperature ranging from 64f to 65f , all this always happens during the day except for some period of the day that the fluctuation is less violent and stays longer at low humidity. Now, I don't like either the fact that it drops too low at 52 or even that it rises to 68 (even though it is literally two minutes and then drops steeply) but could it still be okay to not dry out too quickly or even to not develop mold? I could adjust the humidity swing by constantly keeping the extractor on but I get down to 48% humidity and then avoid it. Thank you in advance to anyone who would like to give me their opinion on this matter.
I leave you with the photo of the app WhatsApp Image 2023-05-23 at 11.23.09.jpeg
Do you have a fan in there circulating the air?
I have an inkbird controller for humidity when drying, it can be set with whatever variance of humidity you want to allow, and the extraction fan will cycle accordingly. Its a pretty cheap device for what it does
Do you have a fan in there circulating the air?
I have an inkbird controller for humidity when drying, it can be set with whatever variance of humidity you want to allow, and the extraction fan will cycle accordingly. Its a pretty cheap device for what it does
i unplugged the oscillating fan pointing to the ground because the portable air conditioner moves so much air! do you think it's better to put it on anyway? i'm checking if here in europe i can find the inkbird but i wanted to find a solution without spending money just because i know it would take at least a week to get to my house. . anyway all in all what do you think? the peak is maintained for only 1/2 minutes and then it goes down again. i think it is a problem due to the air conditioner reaching the target and disconnecting and then reactivating after it has to bring the temperature down again
i unplugged the oscillating fan pointing to the ground because the portable air conditioner moves so much air! do you think it's better to put it on anyway? i'm checking if here in europe i can find the inkbird but i wanted to find a solution without spending money just because i know it would take at least a week to get to my house. . anyway all in all what do you think? the peak is maintained for only 1/2 minutes and then it goes down again. i think it is a problem due to the air conditioner reaching the target and disconnecting and then reactivating after it has to bring the temperature down again
You are fine. Your average humidity is not too high.
I try to keep mine in the low to mid 60's