Molasses, Milk, Pumpkins?


Active Member
Hi, I'm a newb. I haven't grown anything even remotely related to cannabis before. I have, however, grown several types of vegetables, fruit, and flowers. Some of the things I have used, especially on my Big Max pumpkins, were Molasses, Milk, Composted Pumpkins (from the year before), Dog "manure," and old flat Coca-Cola. Anyone ever try any of these with weed, and if so how'd it go?
ummm coca cole may attract bugs....very unwanted...molasses is used by a lot of people to fatten up the buds and make it taste a bit better twords the end of manure....idk about that i wouldn't put my dogs shit into my weed
Stick to molasses and drop the rest. The other ones are just alternatives to molasses that can attract bugs, critters and other unwanted guests.