I use it sometimes then other times i dont,ive also done side by side comparisons using mollasses vs non mollasses buds,i give out samples of each different buds to family each grow so it adds to the fun for me.
I never told anybody that one bud was fed molasses only that i wanted feedback if one bud tasted different or better in any way,not one person gave me any fdeedback saying that one bud tasted sweeter,smoked better or gave a better high,both buds were equally enjoyed & not one family member said one was better or tastier than the other.
In one particular grow where i used molasses i was fukin around & looking at differen buds under a black light,under the black light its easy as hell to see which bud has been fed molasses,it has a way different color to it over non treated plants.
Im sure the plants absorb the molasses because ive seen it under the light but im not convinced it produces larger buds or better tasting buds,i look at it this way,it cant hurt because the buds do absorb the molasses.
It is also a good way to naturally lower the ph level in your water if you run out of ph down.