Mold!!! Can it be? Anybody please help!


Well-Known Member
These plants are soo strong but one night i decided to foliar spray them wit nutes deluded in water and turned off te light for the night wen i came bak in the morning my plants had these white spots shown in the piks i tried foliar spraying wit jus water but some of it still comes bak! does anyone have an idea on wat it is? i hope its not mold :( any help is great thanks1479630213846-1122206889.jpg


Well-Known Member
No.... do u spray your leafes with water with fertilizer in it mold does not come in circles its from water on a leaf with fertilizer i do it sometimes mold comes from high humitiy and wetness i dont think its mold


Well-Known Member
H2O2 =Hydrogen peroxide...and yes it is Powdery mildew...

I part H2O2 ton3 parts water in a spray bottle



Well-Known Member
10 percent h2o2? can u be more specific
That wont work. It will only take the problem away temporarily. PM spores are really hard to kill completely and every grow you have from here on out in that room will get PM unless you eradicate immediately. Sulfer burner is the only thing that worked for me. I had a serious problem and thats all that worked to get rid of it. You got a ways to go on those plants and usually when you see PM spores on leaves its too late for sprays etc, its already infected the entire plant, plus that only slows it down for a little while then it comes back with a vengeance. Check out some videos on a cheap DIY sulfur burner and order some horticultural sulfur from ebay for cheap. Dont buy into the already made sulfur burners for 100+ they are bullshit and you can make one from a dollar store scented oil burner and a tea light candle. Till you get all that stuff, spray the plant with 1/3 cup 3% peroxide in a quart of water with 1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar, lift the pots off the floor a little so air can get underneath.. Let the temps in the room get to 95-100 with air circulating fans on, for 2 hours that will kill a lot of the spores and control the problem temporarily. Then keep your temps ranging from 82-85 and that will slow down the growth and spread till you get the sulfur burner. Good luck PM is a bitch, oh and sulfur will kill any bugs in there too as a bonus


Well-Known Member
That wont work. It will only take the problem away temporarily. PM spores are really hard to kill completely and every grow you have from here on out in that room will get PM unless you eradicate immediately. Sulfer burner is the only thing that worked for me. I had a serious problem and thats all that worked to get rid of it. You got a ways to go on those plants and usually when you see PM spores on leaves its too late for sprays etc, its already infected the entire plant, plus that only slows it down for a little while then it comes back with a vengeance. Check out some videos on a cheap DIY sulfur burner and order some horticultural sulfur from ebay for cheap. Dont buy into the already made sulfur burners for 100+ they are bullshit and you can make one from a dollar store scented oil burner and a tea light candle. Till you get all that stuff, spray the plant with 1/3 cup 3% peroxide in a quart of water with 1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar, lift the pots off the floor a little so air can get underneath.. Let the temps in the room get to 95-100 with air circulating fans on, for 2 hours that will kill a lot of the spores and control the problem temporarily. Then keep your temps ranging from 82-85 and that will slow down the growth and spread till you get the sulfur burner. Good luck PM is a bitch, oh and sulfur will kill any bugs in there too as a bonus
Thanks man appreciate the info


Well-Known Member
On a plus note I noticed the plants that got infected with PM developed much more resin and trichomes to protect themselves inturn being much more stinky. Even if you have a plant that is white with PM its not the end of the world. Cut the stalks trim them the best you can and then give them a delicate dunk and rinse in 10 percent peroxide bath, so as notg to break the trichomes, rinse with plain water then fan dry.


Well-Known Member
Nvm its the same process with peroxide well thanks man i jus literally grabbed a new dish washing sponge abd mixed neem oil dish soap and peroxide all together in a topaware and cleaned every single leaf of each plant they look better but i wont notice till i turn on the light if it really helped ill post a pik in a bit. should i rinse them off with pure water now that ive used that mixture to clean them up?