Mold starting to set in Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Any advice is greatly appreciated thank you before hand. Week 6 I just noticed yesterday. Scared I will lose it AGAIN. Otherwise plants are in excellent health. I would love for them to finish. So close maybe 2-3 weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
there's not much you can do.can you try and get them covered to keep the nightly moisture off? if not,the next best thing is to try to get out there first thing every am,and shake the plant.try and get that moisture off asap.heavy buds,wet/damp weather just invites mold.


Well-Known Member
Any advice is greatly appreciated thank you before hand. Week 6 I just noticed yesterday. Scared I will lose it AGAIN. Otherwise plants are in excellent health. I would love for them to finish. So close maybe 2-3 weeks to go.
start cutting it out,i like to mist the moldy part with ho2o before touching it helps keep the spores from invecting other buds very important step

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Another vote for the hydrogen peroxide, wear gloves so your hands don't get dried out

Mold spores are nearly always present here in the PNW


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Good idea Thumper. It's like a lil random cobwebs on leafs as well. Too much dew at night now. I now shake the shit outta them as of this morning & will continue. I will have to chop em if this keeps up. I will keep you posted.