

Active Member
Hey fellas,

So I've grown aero quite a bit but my hydro experience is limited. I've got a 50/50 mix of perlite/vermic (first problem) in a 24 site ebb&flow system. Fill/Drain three times a day.

I've got about a quarter size of trich/penicillin growing around the base of all but two plants. Humidity is around 30%. Got air bubbles in the reservoir.

What should I do?


Well-Known Member
3 times a day is too much for a Perlite ebb and flow.

And mixing it with 50% verm makes it much worse.

Usually only 25% of verm is used mixed with 75% perlite, the verm will hold alot of water.

Wipe off the mold, maybe spray with baking powder, and go to 1 flood per day.
I'd say the watering times will depend upon your plant size, but w the hempies you can pretty easily feel the difference in weight... as a means to determine frequency of feeds that is. I'm not in them now, but liked the hempies & as long as you adjust/react to plant needs the 50/50 is just fine... size/grade influences as well here.

I doubt you have trichoderma and/or penicillin growing there... why'd you reason those for your growth? Did you add them? Just piqued my curiosity is all...

I'd spray with a .5% h2o2 to oxidize the growth, maybe 2 or 3 applications, then put a layer of grow rocks (or some other covering) over the hempies... will block light/allow some air flow/reduce any growth. Also might reduce humidity a little, esp if use foil or something to cover...

Best brah!


Well-Known Member
i agree, i ONCE mixed vermiculite with plite.....ONCE at a 1/4 ratio and that was too much, always stayed soggy, always looking overwatered, only should be used with sandy soils that dont hold water, for a hydro application or hempy style its a no go


Well-Known Member
xare said to spray a mix of baking soda, i have heard of this but also would advise you to rinse your leaves off a day after you spray anything, will clog up pores