Mold !!!


Hey every body ! So im new to this an i have 2 starter's (foot an a half tall) a freind tried to kill them cause they are kinda runty and they wouldnt die so i took em an now they got mold and the tips of the leaf's are bent and crunchy. Using these one's to get the hang of it before i start my room so here we go . On the mold i know you can use spray's or sulfer burner's , so which is more affective an why ?


Well-Known Member
it sounds as though you are better learning from a fresh grow. Why would you want the cost and frustrations associated with trying to revive plants your buddy was trying to kill?


Well-Known Member
Im a newbie so I don't know much but I use serenade for mildew/mold and it's working great for me. I didn't like the idea of burning sulfer in my room just cuz, but I chose serenade cuz it's organic so it's safe for my plants, serenade is used on fruits and veggies so it's safe for ur buds. But that's just me and my 2cents


Mold . A freind of mine just had mold and verified for me . I ve been wiping down the leafs and branch's with a damp paper towel till i heard more ...


Well-Known Member
No, no no, say it ain't so....

You are spreading mold or mildew spores. You need something to kill it. It is probably powdery mildew. Spraying the leaves with a 1:15 mix of baking soda:water will change the PH of the leaf's surface and make it unsuitable for mildew growth. You can also use a fungicide if it is a rampant outbreak.

Do you have any pictures of these plants?

Mold . A freind of mine just had mold and verified for me . I ve been wiping down the leafs and branch's with a damp paper towel till i heard more ...


Yeah i heard sulfer isnt alway's the best cause of that but i also know someone who left there sulfer in even after the mold was gone cause there plants liked it !? So is this Serenede avalible anywhere or more of a grow shop product and when using do you soak the leave's and give em a shake or fine mist em ?


Well-Known Member
I just ordered it online but I would think u could find it in most gardening sections. Anytime u spray something like serenade on ur plants ur supposed to do it with the lights off, just follow the directions on the back of the bottle. It's really easy to use and it's been working great for me so far.

Spray everything and let it be. Don't forget lights off I spray just before they go off


This is kinda why i want to start with these cause i wanna know sum of this for my next run . Holy .... yeah ive been wiping the whole things down :wall:. So when wiping them with that mix do i apply heavy or light ? No pic's but ill get a few up 2maro.


Well-Known Member
If ur talking about the serenade just make sure u get it on everything top and bottom of leaves, stems, ect

U should just spray it instead of wiping it on just cuz it's easier to get every nook and cranny if u spray it


Any thoughts on the burnt n bent leaf's ??? They were in the dark for a few days with no food but ive had em for a bout a week and they are gettn bigger and fuller but the leaf's n mold r getting worse .


It does look Powdery and it is mainly on the stem an leave's but they are flowering and ive been wiping them and just found out that spreads it .....!?


Well-Known Member
Mold adds weight to the buds... Score! Just kidding, mold like spidermites are nearly impossible to fully get rid of, it's better to have preventative measures then to have to deal with problem.


The only real prevention's ive taken are keepn my tent sealed and clean and watching my watering but that's why im on here is to learn . Hahaha


Well-Known Member
I know that humidity probs and overcrowding can cause pm problems. I have heard that using neem oil before u get pm is a good way to prevent pm problems but I have not tried it personally. See a lot of ppl say it really works tho and I believe it's good for ur plants too