Mold ?!?!?


Well-Known Member
First time grower long time smoker. So im getting some roots that are coming up at the top of the soil right next to the stem. its not out of the soil that much but it looks very white and fuzzy almost moldy and there seems to be a few spots around that same pot where there could be more mold. If this isnt a normal thing and theres a way to fix it any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Fungus, and it needs a good amount of moisture to grow. Drying the soil out should help as well as the hydrogen peroxide.


Well-Known Member
It's an oxidizer, there are a couple of current threads on it. However, I think those people are using it in their hydroponic grows.. crap, I can't remember now. :roll: I've never used it on soil, only on wounds, dirty mouths, and for fish and corals.

You might want to check your overall humidity, watering practices, air circulation and all that if you really think it's mold or something like that. I'm basing my suggestions on your description of what you see, it could be a fungus, a mold, some other sort of spore, but I figure most of these creatures need certain conditions to grow and moisture is usually key. I, too, am a first-time grower, so I'm just reading the HELL out of this site and applying the stuff I know about other things like different plants.

I have seen some minerals make crystals coming up from the ground that sort of fit your description. I've seen roots on some plants that look fuzzy or hairy, they're easy to see if you root them in water. How do the plants look otherwise?