Moldy Liberty Caps

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Well lads, Hows the form.

As the title say, I have a bag of moldy liberty caps that i realy dont want to throw out just yet. I picked them in oct, dryed and ground them up and put them into a bag. Check them the other day and theres a fine white powdery mold on them. They also kind of smell like amonia a bit.

Can you still take them? Or am i asking for trouble.

Cheers for any replys lads.

Ask someone here for a Psilocybin extraction method. Maybe something along those lines could still be of some use. Good luck, happy tripping 8)
No guarantee that you wouldnt ectract nastiness with the good stuff.

If you look into the world of fungus you begin to see the real horror these organisms are capable of. Throw the stuff out.