Moldy pot


Active Member
Part of my wifes medical shipment came from her grower in zip lock baggies not completly dry. We got them in October and I checked on them the other day and found 5oz smelling moldy and were damp. I put them into curing bins and they are dried out now but they still smell of mold. Do we need to make hash or oil or something out of this now? I heard that smoking moldy pot is bad for you. Especially if you smoke joints. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
Oh its very true, and it just taste bad. I had a crop that got attacked by mold because i put them in to curing jars and had to go away for vacation. When i got back they were wet and had visible webbing i.e mold. I tryd to dry them out and smoke a bit but it just tasted bad and gave me a head ache. So what i ended up doing was i made the crop in to hash oil. I figured the butane would do a good job of separating the THC from the moldy plant matter. And it did so beautifully:)


Well-Known Member
Any kind of mold consumption cant be good for you i wouldn't think but im no dr..... good luck with it .... Happy Holidays


Well-Known Member
It is possible to turn that trash into stash by makin hash :-P

But make sure you complain to the grower that he needs to learn how to Dry / Cure.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
It is possible to turn that trash into stash by makin hash :-P

But make sure you complain to the grower that he needs to learn how to Dry / Cure.
By trash you mean fan leaves, sugar leaves (if you cut those), and stems. The awnser is YES!
Dont smoke moldy bud. If we ate cheese (mold scraped off some, but not all) and had very low amounts of stomach acid we would get rediculiosly sick, we dont have acid in our lungs to kill the mold so dont smoke it.

For a side note...I would get a new grower if he is sending you damp buds (not completely dry) he is short changing you because those 5 Os werent 5 Os of ganja, some of the weight was water, and by it growing mold Id say more that the accepted amount was in your "damp cudda been dank" medicine. Ive seen it done by people by a little squirt of water, and 5g turns to quarters.


Well-Known Member
I have read anecdotal evidence that even the cooking process can leave mold that can make you sick if you eat it. I would not risk it.


Well-Known Member
Mold Floats, THC sinks, so if you use the water ice extraction method AKA bubble hash...

You will remove the mold spores.

Ive heard bubble man talk about it. He said you can even take an extra step to clean off the spores if you want.

Let it settle after taking out the 220 bag and skim the top of a bit of water.

This year I had a buds that went moldy from my outdoor crop, I cut away the really nasty stuff and froze the rest. Then made hash outta it later.

The hash was very pure and I saw or tasted no mold at all.