Mom caught me.

So my mom caught me smoking in my room. She was crying and dissapointed. I tried explaining that I only do it at night when im playing games so I can chill its not like im doing anything bad. But still she wouldnt listen. Im gonna apologize and tell her I do not need it and that it was better that she caught me so I coulda stopped. I can stop whenever I want and I will stop tomorrow when I go out buying her a gift. I have 40 bucks to spend anyone have any suggestions¿


Well-Known Member
i dont think u can buy some balls can you?

dont buy anything for real. Your mom shuld know that u were bound to get into sum shinanigans. Keep doing what u want, just DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE! by bringing drugs into her house, u put not only urself, but everyone else in that house at risk so u culd catch a buzz before going balls deep in some WoW or w/e


Well-Known Member
So my mom caught me smoking in my room. She was crying and dissapointed. I tried explaining that I only do it at night when im playing games so I can chill its not like im doing anything bad. But still she wouldnt listen. Im gonna apologize and tell her I do not need it and that it was better that she caught me so I coulda stopped. I can stop whenever I want and I will stop tomorrow when I go out buying her a gift. I have 40 bucks to spend anyone have any suggestions¿
How old are you bro??


Well-Known Member
Just asking making sure i wasent talking so some 30 year old still living in moms house :-D Youll learn as time goes on disappointing someone or being disappointed by someone is just a part of life. Your mom knows that just do wats ya gotta do and let it blow over. 3 months TOP no body will mention it.


My mom cried when she first found out about me as well... To be honest, I wish I would have listened to her back then when she told me I didn't need it. It started off very recreational for me (only on weekends, parties, etc.) but once I moved out, it slowly increased until I was smoking everyday. Took me about 3 years of smoking multiple times a day to realize it was terrible for my health, and 2 more years for me to quit. I'm only 27 days clean but I can tell you it's no different once you get over the psychological/physical dependencies. I can still relax and chill, I just find other means. Growing is still a hobby for me though!


Well-Known Member
yeah my mom cried to, lol but then a year later she found plants and thought it was funny, cause i had them in my window on a two stroy house lol, i was only fifteen it was a long time ago lol, then she cried again when i went to jail, and again the second time when i wanted jail over probation... moms cry is our job to try not to be the reason. buy her something smelly from bed bath and beyond, and some hemp hand lotion lol as a joke
I like the Bath and Beyond and also the hemp lotion lol ill try to look for that tomorrow. She also loves the Ferrero Rocher chocolates so ima get her a box of that. :-P


Well-Known Member
My mom cried when she first found out about me as well... To be honest, I wish I would have listened to her back then when she told me I didn't need it. It started off very recreational for me (only on weekends, parties, etc.) but once I moved out, it slowly increased until I was smoking everyday. Took me about 3 years of smoking multiple times a day to realize it was terrible for my health, and 2 more years for me to quit. I'm only 27 days clean but I can tell you it's no different once you get over the psychological/physical dependencies. I can still relax and chill, I just find other means. Growing is still a hobby for me though!
I think it is super weird for people who don't smoke to grow buds. Why do you like to grow weed?. If I didn't eat tomatoes I wouldn't grow them either.


Well-Known Member
I think it is super weird for people who don't smoke to grow buds. Why do you like to grow weed?. If I didn't eat tomatoes I wouldn't grow them either.
lol makes since, but I dont eat tomatoes and I grow them, lol i gues its cause others like them, and i use one every now and then for an ingredient, but i really just give most of them away..

i thik its much weirded when some one who doesn't smoke sells, there like this weed is the most bomb ass weed ever, i would reply how the hell would you know.. lol


Well-Known Member
if she is religeous buy her a bible and put a marker in it and underline where the god of the bible gave herbs to humans..........I dont believe in God but hell its worth a try with your mom.


Well-Known Member
lol When my mom first caught me smoking her and her greedy ass friend hit it.
She was feeling stupid when I told her later on it was some of the best dippers I ever had.I still dont know how they didn't taste it.


Active Member
I remember when I first got caught lol she started argueing with me and she was eventually cool with it aslong as I didnt do it in the house.

I said to her would you rather have me smoke outside or somewhere the police could easily pick me up and arrest me? Or would you rather have me do it in the comfort of my own home. Shes not really bothered about it now and shes used to the fact lol


Well-Known Member
I was about 16 when my mom found about a half oz of the cheap Mexican dope we used to get back then (this was over 40 years ago lol). I remember telling her that I was gonna smoke anyway, and the $15 bucks or so that I paid for it was a lotta money back then. I ended up getting my bag back lol

I just found out very recently that some years later, when my mom was dying from cancer, one of my siblings brought her a joint to smoke every night, for about the last 2 years of her life.


Well-Known Member
My mom cried when she first found out about me as well... To be honest, I wish I would have listened to her back then when she told me I didn't need it. It started off very recreational for me (only on weekends, parties, etc.) but once I moved out, it slowly increased until I was smoking everyday. Took me about 3 years of smoking multiple times a day to realize it was terrible for my health, and 2 more years for me to quit. I'm only 27 days clean but I can tell you it's no different once you get over the psychological/physical dependencies. I can still relax and chill, I just find other means. Growing is still a hobby for me though!
Oh please, why don't you get a fucking life and stop creating things to whine about. People like you are just brainwashed by your parents, tv, etc. and can't even think for yourself. You like smoking weed so you're 'psychologically/physically dependent', yeah okay. Go whine to Dr. Drew or something, I thought this was a pro-cannabis forum. In the real world cannabis can save people's fucking lives like this lady:


Well-Known Member
If that is what you really believe about MJ djdestroyer, then I think you are a hypocrite. Why grow such an evil substance? Grow orchids or something.


Well-Known Member
In a way I feel bad for people because they've been so brainwashed, I probably shouldn't be as harsh. But at the same time it's like, snap out of it already! All this fucking guilt tripping about a beneficial substance. It's like people who've brainwashed by religion to hate sex. In fact now they even have tv shows for 'sex addiction'.