Mommy needs pot!


Active Member
My mom is a wonderful lady and lately she's been a slave to here osteoarthritis and bursitis and she just shrugs it off and takes a tylenol extra strength because she cant take anything strong enough to kill the pain or she sleeps all day.
I've recently suggested marijuana as a substitute to her medication or addition because I've read about marijuana helping with symptoms she describes (inflmation of the joint in her hip causing a constant burning pain)
We live in Ontario Canada and I'm looking online for information to get her maybe mmj. I dont know if she qualifys though so I'm here asking you guys. Any help and I love you!!
I'm sure my mom would too.. oh and if her age is a factor shes 57


Well-Known Member
Dude, it should be the easiest thing in the world to get her a medical card, especially in Ontario. Tell her to go speak with her doctor about it, I'm sure they'll point her in the right direction.


I am in Ontario too. U need 2 doctors to sign. Hopefully she had a doctor she sees regularly should be one of the signatures as I understand it. Forget the name of the group in Toronto, do a search they can help u get it. I have to try and get it myself but I have no doctor so should be interesting. I will post the site for u when I cross it again. Good luck.


I feel your pain. My older family suffers from arthritis, but unfortunately it is illegal to grow in my state......


Active Member
will the doctors sign? she's skeptical about it because she thinks the doctors will say no. I'm thinking about finding a new doctor perhaps? I dont know what to do for her.