Monsanto and how its slowly taking over what we love.


New Member
Ive just been reading through this pretty scary article on the Cannabist.

It was a huge surprise to me that Monsanto, or the Miracle grow creators and basically the worst and most powerful company in history... have recently bought out GAVITA! And General Hydroponics!!! They are pretty quickly taking over all of our beloved brands. A fear is growing in me concerning of legalization in America, it is heading towards the huge "corporate" take over and it is very Scary. In the article, which is an interesting read, they even mention Genetically Modified weed, I mean come on!

I live in the UK, so for now (fingers crossed for a similar plan here soon) it affects me less for now, but Monsanto will no doubt have its fingers in many pies across the world very soon.

Anyway, was just wondering if anyone had heard of this, what are your thoughts?
There will be more overreach and gentrification than the acquisition of a couple of "smaller" companies. That federal steam roller is coming in....first thing they will kill is home grows...Monsanto GMO Weed:spew:
I know, some scary shit! I agree with Dr.Nick... boycott the brands! Such a shame though as Gavita has been like a home base to so many growers. Fuck Monsanto!
Two year old news but bears repeating.

Bayer bought out Monsanto a few months ago so now you have a Nazi born company teamed up with the evil empire Mon$atan built.

Still a lot of GH fanboyz out there turning nOObs onto GH as the best nutes ever and they've always been General Hydroponic nutrients better at growing flowers and vegetables than pot. Hence their name.

Those same guys shop at Walmart and once GH, Botanicare and Gavita show up on the shelves they'll think they've died and gone to hydro heaven! rotflmao.gif


