New Member
- Strain: Lemon Sapphire
- Plant Age: 2.5 months
- Grow Type: Indoors - Potted (Monster Cropped Clones from Outdoor Summer Grow)
- Grow Medium: Peat mix (No Mycorrhiza present)
- Pot Size: 7 Galon
- Lighting: MARS Hydro FC 4800 LED Array (480W - 18" from canopy)
- Nutrients: Optimum Hydroponix A&B + Optical-Mg (I feed them with the recommend 20ml/10L each time I water)
- Foliar Feeding: Used half the above-recomended amount, once/day, for about 3 weeks (stopped about 2 weeks ago)
- Watering: Once every 3-5 days (Only when very dry based on hydrometer)
- pH: I aim for 6. (This is after all nutes are mixed)
- TDS: I don't have a meter
- Room Conditions:
- Temp: 73F-75F (When lights are on)
- Humidity: 60-65%
- Ventilation: 2 smaller sized fans (Basement room is left with the door open, I have no exhaust)
- Known Issues:
- Powdery Mildew: Present for about 1.5 months, 99% eliminated by pruning and Potassium Carbonate + Olive Oil + Eco-Dish Soap mix ---> 1/4 tsp. per 1L water.
- Soil Gnats: They were present for about 2 weeks, then I bought flypaper and they are 99% gone.
- Thrips: Started seeing silvery spots/bite marks. Let it go for about 1.5 weeks till I started spraying with Eco-Dish Soap + Olive Oil mix
*** I went too heavy on the mix two days in a row and causes some leaf burn (some leaf edges turned copper, and some new growth leaf tips dried out ***
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