Montana Jury Stages 'Mutiny' In Marijuana Case

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A marijuana mutiny? According to a prosecutor in Missoula County, Mont., potential jurors made it clear they wouldn't convict anyone for possessing a few buds of pot. District Judge Dusty Deschamps found it impossible to seat a jury, and decided to work out a plea bargain for the man in question, Touray Cornell, instead.

The Missoulian reports:
"I thought, 'Geez, I don't know if we can seat a jury,' " said Deschamps, who called a recess. And he didn't. During the recess, Paul and defense attorney Martin Elison worked out a plea agreement. That was on Thursday.

On Friday, Cornell entered an Alford plea, in which he didn't admit guilt. He briefly held his infant daughter in his manacled hands, and walked smiling out of the courtroom.

Rest of the story found here


New Member
good story but wtf is with this line lol: " He briefly held his infant daughter in his manacled hands"
I love this, this is great, a sign of the times. Trouble ahead for prohibitionist, their way of thinking is suddenly becoming unpopular. Legalize It Everywhere.


good story but wtf is with this line lol: " He briefly held his infant daughter in his manacled hands"
"In an Alford Plea, the criminal defendant does not admit the act, but admits that the prosecution could likely prove the charge. The court will pronounce the defendant guilty."

So basically, it means that before they dragged him off to jail, they let him hold his baby girl while wearing the shackles (handcuffs) he had on when he was brought to court, or were placed on him when the plea agreement was entered and accepted by the court.


Well-Known Member
That makes no sence...his lawyer must have fucked him. why would he take a plea instead of jury trial? that makes 0% sence
sucks for him


Active Member
Yea, thats bull...he has a right to a jury trial, if one can't be seated then it should be a mistrial. Way to twist events in your favor...