More brain candy - Lets talk about our world


Well-Known Member
Free masons? Jewish owned media? we have only had about 3-400 years to allow our mind to expand, unlike the thousands of years of sleeping under huts in the forest and waking up to hunt, and going to sleep hungry, we are approaching instant gratification. we are approaching a level of convertibility and access to materials sold in a 4 x 8 sheet for $20, that may have required manual sawing and gluing of 10+ trees and all the time and work involved. We have our thoughts at our fingertips. We don't naturally want to live status quo. We naturally want to know. We naturally want the next best thing. What is the next big breakthrough? aviation technology? hybrid rocket fuels? atomic generators for your own house? what do we think is 2 dimensional but contains much more? how long have we put beautiful corals and exotic fish in salt water tanks with protein skimmers, scrubbers, calcium pods, and essentially miniature eco-systems? Is that all there is to know or do these creatures posses characteristics that we yearn for? can animals communicate or use telepathic sensory? or anti gravity genetics? spiders utilizing gravity-energy fields. Nothing is what it seems, there is a lot to learn. We have been walking for 10,000 years but haven't ever truly studied gravity on earth. We assemble 300 pieces of moving components and call it a jet turbine when a ramjet requires no moving parts and produces more thrust, but only at supersonic speeds. Anyone have an abstract thought or theoretical conspiracy they'd like to share? hopefully the Illuminati don't remove this before we get to enjoy it. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
what kind of world do we live in where we are supposed to trust $450 billion dollar 'job bills'? To take care of our mortgages and our debt-to-income ratio. Are you kidding me? how has the housing market bubble popping destroyed USA? The core of our issues relates to monetary miscalculations. We owe more money than we could ever print, and printing more would only diminish the value of the already valueless dollar. These arent white people problems. these arent black people problems. these arent even problems humans should have to face. What happened to claiming your own land and keeping government hands off private sector operations? Why do they think we need the big brother? the big brother already stole my savings to buy missiles. Why are we supposed to trust a government that continuously makes mistakes and takes action defending democracy in other countries? who are we to assume democracy is the only way? maybe the rebels have it right?


Well-Known Member
And why do I make $60k a year and only get $50 in tax returns? I grossly overpay, and only receive 60% of my paycheck after "taxes" and other charges from the goverment are deducted. I ended up with $40K income last year after taxes, and a majority of that was earned from selling weed. Jobs don't pay shit, and the money they do pay is nearly worthless. How long can we continue to live at the end of our means? When can we get back to self reliance and having the option to save. I don't know about you but as hard as I try to save, as soon as I have loot, something breaks. Even if I manage to save up $6000, my engine and transmission will go at the same time. And since the cost of repair outweighs to original cost of the vehicle, my only option is to buy a brand new vehicle and owe some other agency 10 grand over the next couple years. What happened to the $1500 cars that where although expensive back in the day, did not require the extensive financing of todays car sales? everything we want, or need, we get trapped into spending thousands more than we could ever earn. Thinking about buying a house? forget it, unless you have inheritances or the house is being foreclosed.


Well-Known Member
need a new ac installed? hope you have $12k. Need a new roof or gutters? looking at$ 5k-10k. What about windows on your home? $10k-20k. Or you could stick with your current windows and pay 35% more a month in energy bills. Meaning you can spend 200 a month of electric, or $130 a month with $100 financing a month for 10 years plus interest. Same goes for roof, siding, doors. Its mostly a metal component that conducts temperature via thermal bridging, not only hindering the efficiancy of our homes but costing thousands of dollars initially and not to mention the cost of replacement and the inflated energy bill in the meantime. We are born to fail. We have only lived this way for the last 100 years. Whats to come from all of this? As long as you make money, someone will find a way to take it. Usually in the least suspecting way.

These speeding cameras and red light cameras are basically the last straw. The next step is a computer controlled camera that detects any crime(littering, loitering, smoking in parks, making a wrong turn, etc....)
Lots of truth in that wall.

I keep wondering how I'll make it to old age without starting a revolution.



Well-Known Member
Thats what I wonder every day. How can we watch this happen? We never had problems like these before, no body has an answer, there isnt an answer. The answer is failure. Which most likely means a huge loss of population.


Well-Known Member
I only have one question? what does this have to do with hallucinogens? I think this belongs in a different section, maybe polotics or toke n talk...


Well-Known Member
reality seems much more twisted after you trip. Not all of the guys in the politics section have seen what we have seen.

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
You're wayyyy too optimistic bro. Such a large portion of the human race are morally deprived pieces of trash. Most of these "institutions" that we have grown up with and have thought to be vital to survival are now becoming obsolete. (Education system for example). These institutions will crumble. And it's sad because there are so many open minded, hardworking, and intelligent people in america. But they are totally eclipsed by ethically challenged, ignorant, stubborn fucks. The American system is 100% flawed. Can not work. Will not work. But the politicians are going to continue to bicker over insignificant things and get nothing done. And the mindless drones that follow them will pretend to care. Patriotism for a god-damned country. Just sad really. How about patriotism in your planet?

So I suggest you stop wondering about the next great technological advances, and start thinking about a revert to reality. Hopefully, the rest of us are finally going to realize that civilization has no merit on this planet.

We ought to live off the land. Become self-sufficient once more. Become individuals. Free thinkers. We need a mass spiritual awakening. We need to kill God and revive the Self. But that's not gonna happen. Instead, the Ipad 4 is gonna come out and we'll just get dumber and dumber.


Well-Known Member
Uh, how did you manage to find optimism in my post? and I agree, our final destination is the stars, and possibly a 0% waste 0% growth civilation on Earth.

And seriously, remove the word bro from your dictionary. It instantly discredits everything else mentioned as soon as the word is used. Especially in the beginning of a reply.


Well-Known Member
and how do you expect to live life off this planet without a technological breakthrough? did you even think about what you were saying? unless you have a free energy motor, or electrohydrodynamic motor in your garage you aren't sharing with us, we are stuck for as long as it takes until we study the concept, and fully understand gravity.


Well-Known Member
as far as a global dumbing down, we have the media to thank for that. Our planet is completely run by the opinions of the persons in charge or owning media entities. If a presidential candidate gains too much support and has really good ideas about fixing our economy, the radio stations and broadcasters can decide to not air the content and focus on another topic or another candidate. How can we vote for someone we aren't aloud to listen to?

Ever hear of this guy? probably not, the father of the family that owns GE and MSNBC decided to pull him from the candidacy, and not the American people.


Well-Known Member
It is all no more and no less what you make of it. Think the government takes more than you can afford? Make more. Think your next door neighbor is a fool? Don't talk to him. Worried about where mankind is going? Go where you wish, lead the way, make your own path. Many of those who inhabit this site believe this even if they don't outright know it. We believe the laws are simply a general guide to how we should behave. We believe the government has a place but is often off the mark and so we simply do as we hold is suitable regardless of the institutions around us

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
I thought it was already implied that any "bro" usage by anther one of us would automatically be known to be a sarcastic remark. Sorry for the confusion. I often portray other personalities when conversing with friends. We take on the identity of a different character that we don't like and talk to each other in the way that the type of person we are impersonating would talk.

And about the whole technology thing. I am well aware that humans will become extinct without the protection of technology in the near future. However, (and this is just my preference), I would rather live just 20 years in an ideal shamanistic pyschadelic culture on Earth, than become immortal and forever conquer the universe with the aid of technology.

So yeah, you can see what I mean when I say, "that's just my preference". :)