More bud porn....I think.


Active Member
003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg012.jpg54 days now. Skunk#1. Should my leaves be turning like that? Trichoms still are clear. Not sure if its looking healthy. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Yea you want to see some leaves turning yellow. This way you know the plant is utilizing stored Nitrogen. Plant looks really good.


Well-Known Member
NO your leaves should not be doing that.

From what I can see it appears like you have a calcium deficiency.

Rusty brown spots on leaves, followed by yellowing of the leaves, followed by browning and dying of the leaves.



Well-Known Member
Yea you want to see some leaves turning yellow. This way you know the plant is utilizing stored Nitrogen. Plant looks really good.
That's just cannabis mythology.

Not many people here on RIU actually understand how much nitrogen these plants actually like.

I barely have a yellow leaf in sight at harvest time.

Last run I pulled 439g from 4 cheese plants under 400w.



Active Member
What part is myth? And thanks for the reply!
That's just cannabis mythology.

Not many people here on RIU actually understand how much nitrogen these plants actually like.

I barely have a yellow leaf in sight at harvest time.

Last run I pulled 439g from 4 cheese plants under 400w.



Active Member
I dont meen to hijack this thread but Jondamon is this calcium deficiency? IMGP3118.jpg Its happening to more leaves :( Saafe


Active Member
OK. So just because my leaves are for the most part green and healthy looking doesn't mean it's not time to harvest. Rely on the trichoms?
The myth is that your plants need to be yellow and dying for your smoke to be good.

Good healthy plants produce great tasting buds with great yields.



Well-Known Member
OK. So just because my leaves are for the most part green and healthy looking doesn't mean it's not time to harvest. Rely on the trichoms?

Personally though I very rarely check trichomes until I feel she is ripe enough for my liking! Then its just to double check before harvesting.

Trichomes are one of many ways to check.

Don't get me wrong yellow leaves do occur from lack of light etc.

My plants are green at harvest time NOT yellow.



Active Member
Good info. Thanks for the reply. Peace

Personally though I very rarely check trichomes until I feel she is ripe enough for my liking! Then its just to double check before harvesting.

Trichomes are one of many ways to check.

Don't get me wrong yellow leaves do occur from lack of light etc.

My plants are green at harvest time NOT yellow.



Active Member
So time to start nutes then? :) She looks real nice for 8 weeks ;) I dont get anywhere near as many "Hairs" as you lot do :( Tiny lil clumps that dont swell much :(


Well-Known Member
So time to start nutes then? :) She looks real nice for 8 weeks ;) I dont get anywhere near as many "Hairs" as you lot do :( Tiny lil clumps that dont swell much :(
These are mine.

Beans popped on the 8th April.

These have been heavily trimmed up at the bottom ready for flowering.
