More problems then what is even reasonable


Active Member
Sorry my first post on here is full of problems, but I guess I didn't even think about joining a forum till I got overwhelmed with problems.
1.) I have already harvested this plant, but I really like the genetics of this plant. It grows fast, huge, and makes really good smoke. Any suggestions for bringing it back to life? I realize its probably a lost cause, but I'm not giving it up till its dead!

2.) This plant has been having this same problem for forever. I thought it was heat burn at first, but I have tried everything to lower the heat and this still happens. I would think an inline fan for this one small room would be enough.
Ave heat for room is 80 F Average RH is 45
I use the General Hydroponics Go Box with the suggested feeding schedule.
Feed Schedule :

3.) What the heck is this white powder on my soil? I've looked everywhere and from what I've gathered its either salt or mold.


Active Member
how long ago did u harvest off the mother plant?...u can revert the plant back into veg and clone to keep the genes of for ur other plants need more info...type of often u feed them and ur lighting is a good start...


Active Member
Harvested about a week ago, yeah I'm really just trying to get it to grow back enough to clone.

As for the other plant, I water/feed usually 300mL once a day. For lighting I use a 1000w MH. I believe they are planted in Happy Frog organic soil.


Active Member
m8 u cant flush anything with a glass of water , u need more or less a litre so to flush a glass of water pot ( party cups ) 300ml of watering should be a good amount for a half or max one litre pot , water more and less frequently

check if the places that problems apear get too much reflective light , 1kw of light can wreck a plant from 2 meter distance if too much reflection is produced close to the plant , keep reflective materials at least 30cm away of plant and light source at least 50-60cm's( thats 2ft)

how many plants u got there running ? in what size pots ? whats the square size of the grow space ? it seems to me like 3-4 squareft , i bet u could get the same if not better results with a 600w , save some money , planet and leaf matter


Active Member
everything sounds good with the mother..whats ur lighting schedule??...u shoulden't have to feed so often usually twice a week..does the nutes ur currently giving them contain iron?..that definitely looks like it has an iron deficiency (the yellow leaves but veins remain green)


Active Member
First Question:
The room is 76" tall 84" wide and 48" inches deep. The smaller plant is around 3 feet away from the light, and the larger plant is around a foot. The two problem plants are in the pics, but I do 12 total plants in five gallon pots.

Second Question:
When I started reveging I ran a 24 hour schedule under a 400w MH light. Now I have cut it down to about 19/5 under the 1000w light. Not sure about the iron, I would hope so since its supposed to be a complete feed.

Third Question:
I stripped the buds, but I left the leaves. Unfortunately most of them withered away in the first week, a few have grown back, but its pretty baron.


Well-Known Member
1. theres no way you could regenerate that plant man. it looks like its got no foliage left, i'd just throw it out and start a new clone or something
2. heat problems dont happen at 80F, are you keeping your grow room well ventilated with fans?
3. your soil is extremely salty, please flush your soil down with a 1/4 strength solution with adjusted PH.


Well-Known Member
the leaves are kind of twisting, that could be a PH problem. what syour PH and PPM of the shit you water your plants with?


Active Member
PPM I can't tell you but I do my best to keep my PH at 6.5. I really don't have any shot of getting clones of the plant I'm trying to regenerate so no matter what I'm going to keep going at it, but I will definitely try doing a flush.


Active Member
Going to start feeding, and watering twice a week 600mL instead. I'll let you guys know how it went. Thanks for the help!