Most affordable/efficient vaporizer?

So im tired of smoking 5-8 joints a day through papers, after a while it tears your throat apart and fucks with the smoke cuz near the cherry each toke is like 2000 degrees.

So yeh whats a good vape on the market keeping in mind price/performance?

thanks again RIU:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I picked up an Herbalaire about4 weeks ago and love it. You can use a wipe or a bag. I really enjoy it. I picked mine up (new) on ebay auction fo $97. The box was damaged I geuss was the problem. But you can get the for $200 new all of the time. Large size roasting bags work great (turkey bags a to large). Order extra screens and crucibles and your set. For quite some time.


Well-Known Member
uh lightbulb? maybe lol. im not into vapeing but this is the classic vape i tried a few times, plus with some ingenuity you could create one pretty easily from stove parts and other things for under 50$.


Magic Flight Launch Box!! Add the power adaptor and you will not be disappointed. Have to go along way and spend a lot more money to get better. IMHO!!!


Well-Known Member
+1 Magic Flight Box. I have one. It's simple and portable (vape anywhere!) and for the price it can't be beat. Only good for weed I believe and I wouldn't call it heavy duty, if you break the screen supposedly it's unfix-able, it's still a solidly built device. It's pretty fuckin ingenious actually. Good Luck!
Thanks for all your inputs again :bigjoint:, Im now stuck with choosing between the magic flight box, the Arizer Extream q, da buddah, and herbalaire. Ahhh decisions decisions... oh and no way in hell would I get the volcano for 550 bucks!!! Must be awesome though.

Im wondering what its like vaping instead of burning, hows the taste/the high?

I did OG wax out of a vape once.... but i don't remember much from that day lol except that I was high as a mothaf****a :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Taste is different in a sense that it's a lighter cleaner flavor, at least with the gear I've grown and vaped. Also curing your weed right is huge to enjoying vaping IMHO. And at first I wasn't getting as stoned as I was when using my bong, but after realizing it's a different way of "smoking", I get as fucked up as ever. I smoke it more like a cigarette than a joint if that makes any sense to you :eyesmoke:. Good Luck with your choices.


Active Member
Taste is different in a sense that it's a lighter cleaner flavor, at least with the gear I've grown and vaped. Also curing your weed right is huge to enjoying vaping IMHO. And at first I wasn't getting as stoned as I was when using my bong, but after realizing it's a different way of "smoking", I get as fucked up as ever. I smoke it more like a cigarette than a joint if that makes any sense to you :eyesmoke:. Good Luck with your choices.

No , I don't get it....can you explain? Thanks


Well-Known Member
^^^Instead of trying to take these massive hits, I take smaller hits that I "breathe in and out", more than "swallow and hold". Any better?


Well-Known Member
Cool, thats good to know, and whats the difference between the bag/wip?
I'm not exactly all that knowledgeable about vaporizers, but the bag is for temporarily storing Vaped weed and the whip on my device is just another mouthpiece I believe.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm excited to start vaping. Is it true that it uses a bit less weed to get "what you want"?
Oh yeah, at least for me, and I'm a pretty heavy smoker. It's actually pretty shocking how much longer my weed lasts.

And you know what's wild? Smoking weed after it's been vaped. At first I couldn't comprehend that there was this brown unburnt weed left over, so I shoved it in my bong and lit it up. Let me save you the trouble of doing this by describing the taste as absolutely craptastic. When you realize that all that leaf matter is just crap that you've been trashing your lungs with, you'll never want to "smoke" weed again. But like I said, they're seems to be a learning curve with vaporizers and you might not like it at first, I have a friend who hates vapes. Just stick with it and you (and your lungs) will probably love it. And just to be safe, make sure whoever you get it from has a good return policy :).


Well-Known Member
man, if your getting a whip buy the SSV best whip vape, Hands down. The volcano is nice to but expensive, eitherway both are quality! It sucks deciding which to use, so I usually trade off! LOL if cost is a problem tho, get the DBV aka da buddah vaporizer, its made from the same people as SSV you will love it.