Most efficient LEDs currently

Hi guys

I want to have some fun with some LED's, solder something together for indoor decorative lighting.
What are the most efficient LED's on the market right now?
LM301B was all the rave a couple of years ago. I see some high efficiency OSRAMs, Luminus, Everlight LED's on Digikey too.

Would be grateful for some advice.
Also, is digikey still a reliable place to get LED's?
Are there any other reliable places that deliver to UK?
This is the sort of low power stuff I'm trying to make:
I may consider pre-soldered boards if you have any recommendations.

Thanks again
LM301H EVO 335nm was all the rage a couple years ago.

Depends on the spectrum. Oslon 660 were more efficient than Samsung 660 at one time.
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LM301H EVO 335nm was all the rage a couple years ago.

Depends on the spectrum. Oslon 660 were more efficient than Samsung 660 at one time.

Thanks buddy. I'm looking for neutral white.
What is the difference between evo and non evos?
Any other brands I should look out for?

You'd be better posting in the LED section

Apologies didn't see it. If a mod could please move that would be appreciated.

I'm just wondering why you would only want neutral white diods? It makes more sense to mix 3500-2700k or just run straight 2700-3000k diods with 660nm far reds.

You need more red spectrum than straight 5000k in flower. While you can flower successfully with 5000k, 2700k is way superior from start to finish.
I'm just wondering why you would only want neutral white diods? It makes more sense to mix 3500-2700k or just run straight 2700-3000k diods with 660nm far reds.

You need more red spectrum than straight 5000k in flower. While you can flower successfully with 5000k, 2700k is way superior from start to finish.

Thanks buddy.

I'm not growing at the moment.
This is to provide lighting to a house.
I might grow some microgreens in the future if I have spare diodes.

True. They can actually throw more light (over a wider distance) because there are more diodes. But there is also a lot more work involved if he plans to solder them himself.

It's also worth remembering that the top efficiency bins are not always available to smaller retail buyers, plus you will likely need to voltage match the diodes if you do not plan to use ballast resistors, which hurt efficiency. So unless the OP wants to really DIY, buying off-the-shelf LED strips might be the best way to go.
For indoor decorative lighting i would go for light quality/human centric/high CRI lighting rather than highest efficiency.

Soldering is easy and fun when you get the hang of it, just watch a tutorial. Pre-tinn solderpoint and wire, solid core works the best for wiring. The push the pre-tinned parts together and apply the soldering iron to get them melted together