Most recent CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Hey all, this is my 2nd...err...3rd...errr...4th...err - fuck it: this is my latest grow. Bagseed in soil (hyponix soil-which will be replaced with FF when I move them to bigger pots). They are in a small cabinet (30in. H x 24in. W x 12 in. deep) stealthily hidden in my closet. The doors are totally sealed as are the interior walls. She vents out the top and into the wall behind her (via a pc case fan and a 90 degree aluminum duct) which is open to the attic above. I have a PC case fan intaking air at the bottom left, I'll be adding another exhaust fan in a week or so. What you dont see in the pic is that above the light bar is another six inches of space and that's where the exhaust fan is and the variable adjustment fan controls. I'm waiting on some cheese beans to arrive so I thought I'd start a bagseed grow while I wait. The cheese will go in my micro PC case when they get here (although I may move these plants into the PC case and try the cheese in this cabinet as it's bigger).

In the pics below, plant A is 10 days since breaking ground, plant B is 3 days since breaking ground and plant C is 2 days since breaking ground.

I'll be updating as time goes on...

EDIT: oh yeah, the fly paper is because the dang hyponix soil had fruit flies or fungus gnats...hyponix stuff sux...cant wait to transplant them into the FF

thanks for looking and peace :leaf:

Plant A:

Plant B:

Plant C:


Well-Known Member
wow...came home today and plant C has grown about an inch...just about up to the top of the humi-dome...amazing how fast these things take off!


Well-Known Member
Good setup bro! Add a bulb in there or mabe two. Also , I like how everything looks organized! Must more user friendly!

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
thanks beat...i actually had four bulbs in there with my last few plants, but they weren't growing...I'm talking 25-30 day old plants that barely had the first set of leaves...PH was a solid 6.5, soil was fine, heat was OK, then someone mentioned reducing the lights while they are seedlings...too much light on the young'uns can be bad i i removed one bulb in hopes that these plants would do better...once they get a bit bigger I'll use a splitter on the left and put in two side lights - left and right, and perhaps one in the middle...I'm stoked my UK Cheese seeds have left the UK....hope they have a safe trip across the pond...woner how long it'll take to get to me...two weeks maybe?

peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here's my plant A at 12 days...not very happy with her growth so far...should be further along but i am doing 12/12 from seed, although I did switch the lights last night to 13 on, 11 off to better simulate current natural lighting. But man is she growing slow. The other two are B = 5 days, C = 3 days. Then two more pics of the cabinet, the first showing the area above the light bar with the fan controller and exhaust fan, and the second showing what it looks like when you walk in my closet.

peace :leaf:



Well-Known Member
hey all...quick update for those who are watching. OK, a couple of things.

First, this morning as I was inspecting and watering C, I noticed quick movement in A's soil. I looked up real quick and sure enough, either a fungus gnat or a fruit fly. Either way it got squished. Thought all day about how I was going to deal with it and decided I wanted to try the least invasive techique so I don't stress A out too much (it's already in a weird state) and the sand layer seems a safe first try and has worked for others. Hopefully I won't have to do this approach with the other two.

Second, when I watered A and B, the run off was at 7 to 7.1. f* I ph'ed my standing filtered water to 6.3 and flushed the two, catching and testing the run off as I went along. Each drank about 2-3 cups of water until the ph steadied out at abuut 6.6 to 6.7. PH in the last watering was right at 6.5 I have done no nutes yet and I always PH my filtered water. My soil sucks. When I move 'em to bigger pots I'll change to FF soil.

Third, I bought a workshop clip-on fixture with the 8.5 inch reflector and put in a 26W 6500K bulb. I don't have the top of my case rigged with clip-on spots, but that can be fixed. It's a tight fit and may not work dependign on how big I let them get, but I like it. I think I'll get another for the right side. The only issue is with four lights going on in there my canopy temps are hovering in the upper 80s. Time to add a second week.

IMO, B and C look solid for 6 days...but A is at 13 days and not growing much at all, although the last 24-48 hours looks a little better than the last five days. Perhaps the PH lockout was worse than I thought, and if I have larvae from the fungus gnats might explain the lack of growth as well. Triage has been fun but I just want her to start growing now...

Anyways, pics below. Thanks for checking it out.




Well-Known Member
update: got the bag of FF shit not only smells worlds better than that hyponix shit, but it FEELS better. nice soil...i decided to transplant C (7 days old) from her tiny cup into a 2.25L container, and moved her into the PC Micro Case with (2) 26W, one is 2700K the other 6500K, and added a floating fan in there to move air over her and the lights.

I haven't seen another fruit fly/fungus gnat in or around A or B since I did the sand treatment on A, perhaps it'll work. In any case, sometime next week they are both going to be repotted with FF soil.

still no beans from attitude yet...

anyways, pics below of PC case and of C after transplanting....peace:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Plant C did great over the weekend on her new bed of Fox Farms...I'm pleased with her growth (and she's the youngest by a couple of days). She'll need water tonight when I get home, she was still a bit moist this morning. I'm going to change around some of the fans in that PC case due to temp issues. I've been using silent PC fans that move much less air and I'm paying the price. Going to switch to regular PC fans for exhaust and intake and use the quieter ones as the floating fan.

Plant B is doing just OK but am going to transplant her to the Fox Farms tomorrow morning. I think she'll take off.

I started another thread in the problems forum about Plant's here if you want to chime in

1. Plant C
2. Plant C
3. Plant B




Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Yesterday evening I transplanted A and B into bigger pots with Fox Farms soil...I think they took well to it. The pics below are from this morning....i dont see any signs of shock.

A is 18 days old and is the weak one of the three. I started another thread where I asked for input about trashing her and most of the feedback was against trashing and giving her more time. Getting her out of the shitty soil she was in should help too.

B is 11 days old and doing ok, not really impressed with her yet.

The last two pics are of C this morning...again, she is the youngest (really on day 9), great color, nice even growth, taking well to being on her own in the PC grow case...she likes it in there.

All these are at 13/11 light schedule.

thx for looking...peace:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I am amazed at how little A has changed in 9 days. I made up a pic below that shows her today and 9 days ago. I'm going to give her til Monday, and if she hasn't started to really improve: it'll be garbage disposal time baby!

B is ok, slow grower for sure, and really dirty. I gotta clean the little one up, get the dirt off her.

But I am impressed that neither one had any transplant stress, well, at least no obvious stress.

C is looking awesome, really happy with this one, growing like a...ahhh...weed. Hope it's a girl. It really seems to like the fox farm soil.

I don't water again until at least late Thursday, prolly not til Friday. I may try some Grow Big in B and C, they'll be about two weeks old then.

Maybe A needs some nutes? Anyone have any input on A, the 19 day old freak of nature?




Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Pics of C below at Day 11. Now that's the color I am after, nice dark green and a bit waxy looking on the surface. Growth is really starting to kick in and I am pleased with her. Plant A has not changed a bit, perhaps microscopic growth, and B has a little bit of hte next set of leaves growing.

I was shocked at my hi-lo temps in the PC grow case...I had a high yesterday of 100.6 and a low of 68.5 (which is weird because we have the AC set at 72 in the idea how it got that low). As you can see in the last picture below I have the temp probe right around the leaf level of the plant.
Anyways, I decided to swap around a few of my fans, I have both full power fans and silent, lo power fans. I switched the hi powers to the top exhaust and bottom front intake, and the silents have been relagated to middle exhaust (this is also the one that's on 24 hours, circulating air) and a silent as the floater.

I also realised that, d'uh, I had the lights on from 6AM to 6PM, the hottest part of the day and that's also when I'm away from the house so the AC is not working as much, I set it to 78 when I'm gone. So I switched the light cycle to 11PM to 11AM to maximise when the house is cold, I could switch it to 9 to 9, which I may do, but I'll see what my temp range is tonight and decide. Ambient temp, the temp away from the canopy area, is a comfy 78-80 degrees with lights on.

I also gave all three plants, A, B and C, a 33% strength of Advanced Nutrients Micro Grow Bloom formula, about 2 cups worth each. Hopefully that'll hold them until Monday...I can't really access them over the weekend. They prolly will dry out completely by then, both A and B had a moist layer towards the bottom of their pots, C was just about completely dry. I watered them this past Monday, so that's four days.

Thanks for looking and again, any feedback is WELCOME...I'm feeling like this thread has become a ghost town...but then again it's a journal and replies are not required, but compliments certainly are :-)




Well-Known Member
Hey arctic
Got an idea for you for plant A.
I get the odd runt too and was wondring how I could maximise them. Next time I get 1 I'm gonna let it grow out, as small as it is, but I'm gonna put it in a big sealy bag and take it in and out of the case to get it to hermie and give me fem seeds. I've not done 1 yet but it plant A is just the type of plant I would use.
In the beginning did you use a different soil mix for plant C?
It looks different to the others.
Good luck with the grow mate. I'm subbed.


Well-Known Member
hey V12...I didn't know feminised seeds came from hermies...maybe I'll do reading in that area and may try it. The stress that little ones been under I wouldn't be surprised if she hermed out.

All three spent their first few days in the same soil, but different soil than what they are in now. It was crappy soil, hyponix soil. man, when i transplanted them the soil around the root ball was wet and felt like sand, but clumpy sand if you know what i mean. But now that I have Fox Farms...I'm laughing!

The difference between A B and C could be in genetics. These are all bagseed from different I'm thinking A is just bad genetics...I recently found my lost stash of seeds from a good bag of mids and may germ a couple of them, but I am waiting for some cheese beans to arrive, so I may not after all...i want to grow the cheese when it gets here...should make for some good fall/winter smoke.

They are all on a 12/12 schedule, although with the analog timers it's prolly more like 12.5/11.5...they are not very accurate.

Do you think I should put A back into a smaller container?

Also, meant to add, after I made the changes to the PC case fans, I let her run closed up for about two hours before she went lights out and temps were steady at 81.5 to 82.2 at the canopy. So I think I may have solved the heat issue for now.

Thanks for commenting v12...and I'll see over at your place :-)


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
hay artic thanks for stopping by and checking me out. dude i really like your cabinets, very neat and functional. going to build me one next month. big enough for a perpetual harvest of about 12-16 single colas. its gonna be big about 3wx6lx6tall. i should be able to house clones moms and early flower all in one cab.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
were u adding any root stimulant to your little ones? i added some to mine after they were fully sprouted and it helps.

now on the cross breding, i would not cross breed a slow growing plant just to try to shorten up another it will only cause less vigirous growth. that doesnt make any sense to me.


Well-Known Member
hey 420apprentice...yeah I'll be finishing in there...i grow 'em small...they dont yield that much but that's fine with me. I dont have much of a choice either...i really cant go bigger, I have to maintain complete stealthiness...and I'm not too certain about crossing or doing anything else at this point...just trying to grow some stash...thanks for stopping by!

Hey harvest...thanks for the comment about the was easier to do that than to wire everything it is very easily moved up or down.

peace all :leaf: