mother plant setup

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
im looking to keep a mother plant and take about 4-5 cutting every month. how much light do i need to sustain this? i have a 250 hps but i feel like this is too much. help pleaase


Well-Known Member
And their is never such thing as overkill when it comes to your light setup, the more light the better they grow


Well-Known Member
i have a 600 watt hps for getting a system where i harvest every month
So, do you have three separate areas set up? I have two areas, one for veg plants and the other for flowering but I can only see having about a six week turn around. I'd love to hear what you have going on.


Active Member
And their is never such thing as overkill when it comes to your light setup, the more light the better they grow

Actually, there is. "exceeding photosynthetic capacity" IS Such a thing, But THAT is dependent on genetics, age of plant, height from light ect.

More than 500w a plant is over kill.... You don't want over kill

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
well i built a 4x4x6 room. in there i have a 600 hps with ventilation. i just did this in my head like ten minutes ago but i figured i will build an additional veg room with the 250 in it. then ill have a mother and clone room with t5 lighting. ill start from seed so i have a mother. then ill take 4-5 clones and root them. then ill take the strongest three and veg for a month. from there ill move into the flowering room. after i do that ill start the clone process over and veg for a month. then ill take them and put them into the flowering room. now i have a plant thats been in for a month already and should have a month left. then ill harvest and keep repeating the process that way i can harvest every month. itll take awhile to fine tune it but it sounds like it will work. tell me what you guys think


Well-Known Member
Actually, there is. "exceeding photosynthetic capacity" IS Such a thing, But THAT is dependent on genetics, age of plant, height from light ect.

More than 500w a plant is over kill.... You don't want over kill
Right about keeping your lights at a distance but i know someone on here doing 4000watts for 6 plants and his base is bigger around than a silver dollar he can't even put his hand around it


Well-Known Member
well i built a 4x4x6 room. in there i have a 600 hps with ventilation. i just did this in my head like ten minutes ago but i figured i will build an additional veg room with the 250 in it. then ill have a mother and clone room with t5 lighting. ill start from seed so i have a mother. then ill take 4-5 clones and root them. then ill take the strongest three and veg for a month. from there ill move into the flowering room. after i do that ill start the clone process over and veg for a month. then ill take them and put them into the flowering room. now i have a plant thats been in for a month already and should have a month left. then ill harvest and keep repeating the process that way i can harvest every month. itll take awhile to fine tune it but it sounds like it will work. tell me what you guys think
Your continuous cycle set up should work perfect but i would do 2-3 weks apart instead of a month...never know when something could go wrong