Mother's Days almost here.

Atleast I know how to find the site and location now. For years I had blocked it out; The exact wherabouts. 40 yrs is a long time.

Resting place is a nice spot, as far as that goes. no above ground tombstones are present so it closely resembles a park. <3

not to be melancholy, well
my mother and mother in law have both passed many years ago.
i get flowers and visit there grave site.

do the same for fathers day

damm ....tearing up
Well theres alway the good memories to look back on and celebrate, and im sure theres lots of them.:hug: Do you have kids to give you presents on fathers day yet?
Atleast I know how to find the site and location now. For years I had blocked it out; The exact wherabouts. 40 yrs is a long time.

Resting place is a nice spot, as far as that goes. no above ground tombstones are present so it closely resembles a park. <3

not to be melancholy, well
Sorry to hear that abe. :hug:Have you knocked up any girls who spawned little abes? They also like cards and flowers.