Mould prevention


Active Member
Hi all,
I am battling pretty humid conditions in a cool climate. I have a dehumidifier in the post but wanted to know if there were any pointers on preventing mould developing now that I am 2 weeks into 12/12.
I have read variously about milk or vinegar solution sprays etc.

Any help, links or descriptions would be most appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you keep the air moving at all times is the only advice I can give you.

I'm in a very dry climate so I never worry about it myself.. but spraying buds with anything but water is generally considered a bad idea. Even just water is if it takes to long to dry out..

So, I'd say good airflow is your best bet.
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Well-Known Member
As per the guys above.... anything that can upset the surface of a nesting fungi spore will prevent mold taking hold, these mold spores are everywhere waiting for the 'just right' conditions, once they arrive the mold leap with glee, realizing that all they have sacrificed so far is just worth it, "like Americans landing on the moon.. lol"
the then spread to other areas with rapid enthusiasm
I like to annihilate my spores with NEEM OIL, I use it through out the grow from start to almost harvest and it removes all and any mold or bug issues, and on my last grow discovered that Neem is totally systemic, cannabis can drink up neem oil thats great for removing sap suckers like white fly and aphids too...!


Well-Known Member
I use Actinovate (Streptomyces bacteria strain) and diluted hydrogen peroxide sprays as preventative measure.


Active Member
I am in the same boat and curious as to the safety of using sulphur / peroxide / actinovate on buds you plan to smoke. Are these products to be used only in veg?


Active Member
I've looked up actinovate and it seems to be touted as an organic agricultural solution with microbes being the active ingredient. Peroxide I'm not so sure unless it breaks down pretty quick into hydrogen and oxygen. I'm no scientist though so I'll wait to hear.


Well-Known Member
fongarid in a foilar spray i use 1 sachet per gallon of water for foilar once a week works like a treat and i live in the tropics of qld


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I'm gonna try and track down some neem oil. @Diabolical666 is the peroxide safe to use on flowering plants without it leaving a residue?
No residue with the peroxide. I wouldnt spray on buds. Their is a product called "Green Cure" if you ever get botrytis or any mold on buds you can spray buds with this product and they are fine. Neem oil is a great all natural product to have on hand for pest control. Im all about using an effective solution on a dime. peroxide is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Neem oil is a great preventative fungicide and insecticide. Just make sure to mix some soap in with your spray and do it while the lights are off and raise your lights really high so when it comes back on you have time to check your plants, make sure they are dry, and aren't going to burn-something you should do with almost any fungicide/insecticide.

Sulfur spray can found at home despot or lewds-works really well but smells like a butt hole. They have sulfur foggers too, but I only recommend those products if you've either had pm/mold before or it's just starting to take hold-it's more effective then neem as a fungicide-neem is better used as preventative rahter than a treatment.

If you have a dehumidifier and you can get your RH down to 40% you shouldn't have to worry about mold. Also, large fluctuations in RH and Temps are worse then a steady higher RH. If it's hot and dry while lights are on, but your temps AND humidity raise when the lights go off, or vise versa-that is bad. Your buds will almost condensate like a glass of cold water in hot summer day-moisture you can't see will build up inside your buds and create a perfect environment for it. Try to keep your environment as stable as possible with adequate air exchange and also circulation.


Well-Known Member
Is that a thing?
In time you spent posting a question you could have googled it.

Of course there is such a thing as a sulphur vaporizer. Sprays can't reach everywhere. In a greenhouse or room sized grow, running a sulphur vaporizer for about 5 hours during the dark period with ventilation and scrubbers off but circulation fans on, will deposit a fine film of sulphur on all surfaces that raises pH.

For active problems run it for three nights in a row then twice weekly afterwards for maintenance.

Use up to 48 hours before harvest. No it doesn't make buds taste foul. Unlike neem it won't come out in solvent extracts.

Note if your environment is properly regulated there will be no powdery mildew growth. Don't let temps drop when lights are off. Keep RH at 45 - 55%. Good air circulation through foliage is important.


Well-Known Member
Yes Eagle 20 is a great systemic mold preventer , stays in the plants for 8 wks, I wouldnt recommend using it right before throwing them into flower. Well before that would be better.


Active Member
Thanks @SnapsProvolone . I was practicing quoting on these forums. LOL. Nah just laziness sorry.

Thanks for clearing it up for me. My grow is ultra small. Gonna install an overnight ceramic heat lamp. If I can survive this first grow I will be upsizing this box pronto cus it's filling up with heaps of bulky regulatory items.


Well-Known Member
Yes Eagle 20 is a great systemic mold preventer , stays in the plants for 8 wks, I wouldnt recommend using it right before throwing them into flower. Well before that would be better.
The preharvest interval is 14 days. IMO a whole flowering cycle puts one in the green.


Active Member
This thread is very helpful. I found some mould on some dead leaves that had dropped into my waste tray today. I have removed them, added bleach to the water in the waste tray and stirred it. I hope this will hit the problem, but if not, it sounds like Actinovate might be the answer? I am 6 weeks into flowering. I have strains that will be harvested in one, two, three and six weeks from now, so I want something that is safe to use - sounds like Actinovate is ok for my needs, am I right? And should it be added to feed, sprayed on leaves, sprayed on buds, or what?


Well-Known Member
I live in a a hot and humid climate.. Dehumidifier and a fan has kept the mold away so far. I would think spraying anything would encourage mold... isn't the purpose to keep moisture out?