Mounting lights


Active Member
Realistically my goal is to setup and tend for just one female. This is my first attempt at a box design and has been an invaluable learning experience thus far.

I'm looking for suggestions to improve the lighting system inside the box by making it more easily adjustable. The box was constructed with the idea of throwing in a bubble bucket system, but since has changed because friends advice to use soil on my first attempt.

Right now I have a 4 sq. ft. area, 4 feet tall, your typical 4 walled box. Here are some pics to give you a better idea of what I have been working with.

Currently anytime I tighten up the chains I have to remove the the chain from the small hooks around the light fixture, and then re-hook it right back in the middle, otherwise it will tilt and move completely away from the plants.

This will be an ongoing experiment where the uber yield will be highly unlikely, but the learning curve will be a nice asset for future grows.



Well-Known Member
Attaching chain to lights is usually the best simplest way to go, maybe you just need to find a different way to mount it.

Why give up on the bubbler ? I do prefer soil but maybe you should do 2 plants and see which type of grow you are better at. You sould really start with 4 - 5 plants if you want two females unless you are using clones.